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aNNA baNaBA wIth a lITtle eXcItemenT on tHE sIDe...pRetty mUCh anYthin thaT wOUld bEneFit me iN the fuTuRe...fInisH cOlleGe aND achIeving a hIGher eDucatION...bEinG dIviaNt jUSt tO sTand OUt..i lOVe tO wORk OUt..jUSt tO sUccoR mY eaTing habITs...anY tYPe of cOMbat sPORts...daLLAs maVEriCks..aND whAteVer tHE daY tHrOWs aT me...


sound bombin, sean paul, metallica, chevelle, incubus, cannibus, wu tang, nirvana, everclear, no fx, sevendust, that little voice in my head sayin


the professional, snatch, pulp fiction, goodfellas, scarface, something bout marry, akira, ghost in the shell, spirralgun, lotus wars, venus wars, lord of the rings, harry potter movies, yeah harry potter bitch..and all vanderlie ass kickin fights..


i sTock oN tHis daMn tHIngs sO i caN waTch eM nytIme i Want to...wEll i lOve eVerybody loves raymond, kiNg of qUeens, wIll n grace (dON't asK its gOod sHit), chaPpelle sHow(wHo doest), faMily gUy, tHe uLtimate fIghteR, tHe cOntenDer, maVeriCks baSkeTball, cOnan ObRien, aNd tOns oF aNime...tOo maNy to mention...


Business administration related books: Human Resource Management, Business & Economics, Accounting, Business Finance, Marketing, International Tourism, Management,Information Technology, Business Statistics, International Business Environment, Advertising, Organizational Behavior, Business Law, Management Information System, and Leadership Ethic books.

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clAss tRip pIctures

jUst clIck on tHe adDy bElow or jUSt tYpe it aIGht...pEace      Or cLick here...
Posted by PaPi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST