Money. Money can buy anything. Yes, Money CAN buy you love.
Freddiie the Linda Vista Bum. Man, I've heard many tales of his purple spandex pants, leather jacket no matter what the weather is. He fabulous chewed up afro, but never have the honor to meet the cute fairy himself. And also the 40 some years old asian prostitute that called the corner of Linda Vista road and Comstock St. her home.
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I like music that I can relate to.
Mario movie part four. Little Black book. now that's drama. Notebook, that girls hot. Debbie does dallas, that has got to be the dumbest bunch of girls I've ever seen in my life. Napolean Dynamite is overrated, I know people that know some people that do exactly what they do in the movie and they are not funny.
Chargers games. Chapelle Show, Specially the pimps episode, phww pimpin to the finest. South Park. I hardly watch TV anymore.
GQ magazine. Gotta keep my status.
Heros lied within you. Hero is someone that opens your eyes and to pick you up off the floor and help you stand on your feet again when life knock you down. This is a tribute message to my friends.......... Yeah, fuck you guys for knocking me down time after time.............. But time after time, I still pull myself u and stare you in the eyes and said,"Bitch I ain't going nowhere." That's right I am my hero. No for real thou I am my hero, For Real man. I am serious.