Amongst many other things, i guess my main interests are: My aquarium/my Geophagus fish, movies, books, motorcycles, music, and beautiful art - please check out some of my favourite artist here:
Peter Jackson, Mel Gibson, George Lucas, Gandalf ;-)
I like Heavy metal and classic movie themes. -Tune in to one of these fine metal radio stations:
Lord of the Rings (all), Highlander1, Willow, Interview with a Vampire, Harry Potter (all), Indiana Jones (all), Star Wars (the classics)
Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic. Shows: American Chopper, The Blue Planet, Mythbusters, Dirty Sanchez, Wild Boyz. Series: X-Files, Battlestar Galactica.
Hyperion, Endymion, Lord of the Rings, Moonshae series, Harry Potter series, The Hobbit, Dragonlance series, Eric the Red, and almost any book written by Dean Koontz
Any person who tries to make this world a better place.