scorpica profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Boondock Saints

My Interests

Music, listening and making. Bodyart, Home Interior, Video Games, Art.. Festivals?


there's a great deal of good music out there so.. N-a-m-e-d-r-o-p sucks, b-l-a-n-d-b-a-n-d rocks!


The Boondock Saints (Fuckin’ what the fuckin’, fuck who the fuck, fuck this fuckin, how did you two fuckin’ fucks... *Fuck*! ), American History X, Trainspotting, The Ring Triology, Primal Fear, This is England, Frailty, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 28 Days Later, Braveheart, High Fidelity, Bleeder, Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Nabor, Empire Records, Tusenbroder, The Big Lebowski, Spiderman, Transformers, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Blow..


House, Scrubs, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Dirty Sanchez, Cops.. Documentaries..


Mostly fantasy and biographies.