Anyone who is into Photography, I urge you to join my Group, "Photographers & Photography Lovers", at:
For those of you interested in actually getting to know me somewhat and who would like to communicate on some level, read on. For those who just want large Friend Lists, Click [HERE] , or on the "DJ Lucent on MySpace Music" graphic down the page a ways - and I'll add you as a Friend on that profile.
My Name is Brandon, and I'm a fun-loving, easy going, funny and down-to-earth guy who loves to be with friends and do many things related to music (drumming,DJ'ing, producing, listening/dancing to, what have you...).
I enjoy life and love to laugh and make people laugh. I love random things and the small, simple beauties and pleasures in life - often passed up or overlooked by others. I like to think my different ways of thinking and looking at things, as well as my take on life, the world and everyone in it makes me unique. Self-development is a key in my life. I enjoy reading and otherwise gaining a better knowledge of the world and myself. Relating to a variety of people in a variety of ways and maintaining a pleasant attitude with everyone helps make me a well-rounded person, I'd like to think. :) Physical and financial health are important to me. They take discipline, which is sometimes hard to come by...but it's will and determination that drive that.
I'll do anything for my friends, and they know it. Fellowship and friendship are important in life. Being surrounded by people who you care about and who care about you - sharing life's experiences with those to me what it's all about. Taking life too seriously or even being too uptight or a jerk all the time is no way to be. Seeking out adventure, trying new things, being fun and creating that feeling that you're simply full of indescribable feeling - those types of things will enrich one's time here.
Music and the arts have always been something I've been interested in. I suppose you could say I'm more "right-brained" in that respect. I've got many creative talents within the music realm, and am self-taught for most of the skills and talents I have developed over the years...(which is kinda cool, because that usually means I don't have to spend money on lessons! LOL) I taught myself how to play the drums about 12 years ago, how to DJ about 4 and how to write music about 3. I have a great understanding of computers...just because I have a great respect and appreciation of them. Anything from general hardware, to specific software, editing or making music, to photo-shopping...I love the internet very much - what it can do is amazing. Long ago when I was a wee lad in elemantary school, I taught myself to play the piano, although by ear only. I wish now I'd have taken lessons for that, as piano is not only one of the most beautiful and easily accessable instruments, the notes in my head would finally have a way out. ;) There are so many things worth learning. Like I said, development is important to me.
Having harmless quirks that make me unique is something I welcome. Some random and perhaps silly facts about me include, my self-diagnosed mild case of "OCD", which some people call "being anal"; I assure you however that it's not really the same. I'm neat and organized and often go out of my way to make something look nice (just look at my MySpace profile for proof! :) I'm a southern gentleman (not a rednec!k!) and will hold the door open for you no matter if you're female or male - it's just polite. I enjoy creating music wherever I may be, either by tapping out a drumbeat, or by creating beats or entire songs using my mouth (I'd just have to show you). I'm always making "sound effects" when I'm talking and telling stories that help convey my point. :) I'm just a dork at heart I guess... :)
Anyway - suffice it to say that I'm a really honest, sincere, caring, funny and fun person who loves good company.
I strongly support the FairTax and want to raise awareness and support for this much-needed tax reform.
Click below to get involved or learn more about the Fair Tax, created by Congressman John Linder & being promoted by Neal Boortz and Americans who are tired of the current opressive and unfair tax system.
The FairTax proposal is a comprehensive plan to replace federal income and payroll taxes, including personal, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security/Medicare, self-employment, and corporate taxes. The FairTax proposal integrates such features as a progressive national retail sales tax, dollar-for-dollar revenue replacement, and a rebate to ensure that no American pays such federal taxes up to the poverty level. Included in the FairTax plan is the repeal of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. The FairTax allows Americans to keep 100 percent of their paychecks (minus any state income taxes), ends corporate taxes and compliance costs hidden in the retail cost of goods and services, and fully funds the federal government while fulfilling the promise of Social Security and Medicare.
Americans take home their whole paychecks.
Not only do more Americans have jobs, but they also take home 100 percent of their paychecks (except where state income taxes apply). No federal income taxes or payroll taxes are withheld from paychecks, pensions, or Social Security checks.
No federal sales tax up to the poverty level means progressivity like today's tax system.
To ensure no American pays tax on necessities, the FairTax plan provides a prepaid, monthly rebate (prebate) for every registered household to cover the consumption tax spent on necessities up to the federal poverty level. This, along with several other features, is how the FairTax completely untaxes the poor, lowers the tax burden on most, while making the overall rate progressive. However, the FairTax is progressive based on lifestyle/spending choices, rather than simply punishing those taxpayers who are successful. Do you see how much freer life is with the FairTax instead of the income tax?
No tax on used goods. The amount you pay to fund the government is totally visible.
With the FairTax you are only taxed once on any good or service, the sales tax is charged just as state sales taxes are today. If you choose to buy used goods - used car, used home, used appliances - you do not pay the FairTax. If, as a business owner or farmer, you buy something for strictly business purposes (not for personal consumption), you pay no consumption tax. When you decide what to buy and how much to spend, you see exactly how much you are contributing to the government with each purchase.
Retail prices no longer hide corporate taxes or their compliance costs, which drive up costs for those who can least, afford to pay.
Did you know that hidden income taxes and the cost of complying with them currently make up 20 percent or more percent of all retail prices? It's true. According to Dr. Dale Jorgenson of Harvard University, hidden income taxes are passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices - from an average 22 percent on goods to an average 25 percent on services - for everything you buy. If competition does not allow prices to rise, corporations lower labor costs, again hurting those who can least afford to lose their jobs. Finally, if prices are as high as competition allows and labor costs are as low as practical, profits/dividends to shareholders are driven down, thereby hurting retirement savings for moms-and-pops and pension funds invested in Corporate America. With the FairTax, the sham of corporate taxation ends, competition drives prices down, more people in America have jobs, and retirement/pension funds see improved performance.
The income tax exports our jobs, rather than our products. The FairTax brings jobs home.
Most importantly, the FairTax does not burden U.S. exports as they are with the current income tax. So the FairTax allows U.S. exports to sell overseas for prices 22 percent lower, on average, than they do now, with similar profit margins. Lower prices sharply increase demand for U.S. exports, thereby increasing job creation in U.S.manufacturing sectors. At home, imports are subject to the same FairTax rate as domestically produced goods. Not only does the FairTax put U.S. products sold here on the same tax footing as foreign imports, but the dramatic lowering of compliance costs in comparison to other countries' value-added taxes also gives U.S. products a definitive pricing advantage which foreign tax systems cannot match.
The FairTax strategy is revenue neutrality: Neither raise nor lower taxes so consumer costs remain stable.
The FairTax pays for all current government operations, including Social Security and Medicare. Government revenues are more stable and predictable than with the federal income tax because consumption is a more constant revenue base than is income.
For example, if you were in a 23-percent income tax bracket, the federal government would take $23 out of your paycheck for every $100 you made. With the FairTax, if the federal government gets $23 out of every $100 spent in America, the same total revenue is delivered to the federal government. This is revenue neutrality. So, instead of paycheck-earning Americans paying 7.65 percent of their paychecks in Social Security/Medicare payroll taxes, plus an average of 18 percent of their paychecks in federal income tax, for a total of about 25.65 percent, consumers in America pay only $23 out of every $100. Or about 30 percent at the cash register when they elect to spend on new goods or services for their own personal consumption. And this tax is collected only on spending above the federal poverty level, providing important progressivity.
Tax criminals - don't make criminals out of honest taxpayers.
Today, the IRS will admit to 25 percent non-compliance with the code. will be generous and simply take the position that this is likely a conservative estimate of the underground economy. However, this does not take into account the criminal/drug/porn economy, which equally conservative estimates put at one trillion dollars of untaxed activity. The FairTax will tax this - criminals love to flash that cash at retail - while continuing to provide the federal penalties so effective in bringing such miscreants to justice. The substantial decrease in points of compliance - from every wage earner, investor, and retiree, down to only retailers - also allows enforcement to concentrate on following the money to criminal activity, rather than making potential criminals out of every taxpayer struggling to decipher the current code.
Check out my website for my latest mix CD's & Live Sets, as well as Original Tracks and Remixes - all downloadable for FREE!!
Meadows & Lucent
WREK 91.1 FM Atlanta, GA - EDM Sound System
Live Studio Broadcast @ 12.02.05
Progressive House
Part 1 || Part 2 ::: track listing
(includes an Original Track by DJ Lucent!)
Meadows & Lucent
WREK 91.1 FM Atlanta, GA - EDM Sound System
Live Studio Broadcast @ 07.30.05
Progressive & Tribal House / Progressive Breaks
Part 1 || Part 2 ::: track listing
DJ Lucent
WREK 91.1 FM Atlanta, GA - EDM Sound System
Live Studio Broadcast @ 02.19.05
Progressive & Tribal House / Progressive Breaks
Part 1   ;|| Part 2 ::: track listing
DJ Lucent
Winter Promo - 2005
DJ Mix CD @ 01.05
Progressive & Tribal House / Progressive Breaks
Mix Set ::: track listing
DJ Lucent
One With the Drum (disc 1) - 2004
DJ Mix CD @ 04.04
Progressive & Tribal House
Mix Set ::: track listing
DJ Lucent
Encryption - 2001
DJ Mix CD @ 01.05
UK Hard House
Mix Set ::: track listing
I give drum lessons & dj'ing lessons, if anyone is interested.
Visit for complete details.