The Chronicles of Pitt n' Boyer â„¢(GOT STICKERS!! profile picture

The Chronicles of Pitt n' Boyer â„¢(GOT STICKERS!!

Don't ask statements....

About Me

The The Chronicles of Pitt n’ Boyer consists of three comedy wacko's who just learned to work a camera. They are: David Pitt , David Boyer, and John Wilbers. This show is based on the wild n' crazy lives of two modern-day idiots who try to make there lives as hectic as possible without even trying to do so. This is our first web series and we hope to keep it going for as long as we can! We love and appreciate all of our fans and all of their great feedback! We thank you for everything, we wouldn't continue to do this if you guys didn't like our stuff.. Ohh well, never mind F*CK IT! YES WE WOULD!! :) So please enjoy our videos and if you have ANY questions or any suggestions on how the show could be better or how we can be better filmmakers, let us know! THANKS!!! ::::::::::CONTACT US AT: [email protected]

About me:
SECRET STASH ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓..

My Interests

Writing and Making Films, Hangin' out, havin a good timeWriter/Director/Editor/Set Designer/Cameraman/XXX-----David PittWriter/Director/Fro-Havin/Cameraman/Set Designer-----David BoyerWriter/Director/Cameraman/Assistant (Asshole) Editor/Myspace Page Duder-----John WilbersADD OUR PERSONAL PAGES!!!!!! ----------------------------------------- PITT (click picture to add):BOYER (click picture to add):WILBERS (click picture to add):
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Metal, Rock, Classical, Orchestra, Hardcore



Reservoir Dogs

Pulp Fiction

Good Burger


Lost 24 Saturday Night Live Mad TV Chappells Show Supernatural The Black Donnellys Freaks and Geeks Old Nickelodeon Shows




Everyone who has ever made it in the Film Business

My Blog

Who Wants Stickers?????

We are getting them soon so hit us up if you want one!!!! ...
Posted by The Chronicles of Pitt n' Boyer "(GOT STICKERS!!!) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 05:35:00 PST

Why is it taking forever for episode 6 part 2????

Whatsupppp WORLD! Ok, so we have like a whole new season of Pitt n' Boyer episodes in our heads and we are pretty much done with Episode 6. However, our 3,000 dollar camera decided to break halfway t...
Posted by The Chronicles of Pitt n' Boyer "(GOT STICKERS!!!) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 05:33:00 PST