Things I Like night time. moon boots. goodwill. good friends. driving. my wheelman hat and driving gloves. walmart. fireworks. smokin rocks. summer nights. porches. man cans. boobs. mosquitto candles . the bitches shittin in the moonlight . trips without points. red and blue lights, but not behind me. pizza. ranch. KETCHUP . bowling. being a gangster. seeing others who think they're a gangster when they're not. pictures. good tippers. scrapers full a' rippers. the 8 out of 10 cute girls who drive jettas. roundabouts are a good time. street signs are free wall decor. washin windows. rockin out with my cock out, figuratively speaking. change. that steam that comes out of the sewers in the city. the city . facinations . taxis . windows down, heater cranked, and system up.the dark side of town. apple pie . wild turkey. easy mac . random phone calls, incoming and outgoing. chicken nuggets . snow . igloos. smoking in igloos. rippin e-brakes in the winter. mobbin the subaru with lolly. boogers . dr pepper . uncooked hotdogs, or "raw doggin it". nate dogg bullshittin. apple juice.Things I Do Not Like
most vegetables. the film that coats your teeth in the morning. bad tippers. dry lips. pennys, they are "worthless". people who talk without actually knowing what it is they speak of. bleeding my own blood. AIDS. water spots on the whip. the fact that the world spins with the flow of money. athletes get paid more than teachers. the complaints of others that life isn't good enough.i have learned that life can and will be taken in the blink of an eye. appreciate those that you love, for you know not how long you may be able to tell them you do. life is to short to waste with anger and hate. be in control of your "smiles" and "crys" because thats all you've got. nobody will ever be able to take them away from you. my guard will always be up and i don't know if anybody will ever truly be let into my heart. i fear the control that emotions give to others, thus i guard my own fiercely and seldom show them to others. if you see me weak or helpless, i am allowing you a glimpse that few will ever see. do not betray that trust i have instilled in you. i almost always have a smile on my face because i enjoy my life. however i also am eternally on a search for a woman that will complete me. contrary to popular belief i am unsatisfied with my love life, i would a thousand times over prefer one quality woman to the many that seem to effortlessly pass in and out of my life. when i think that i have it bad, i try to think of others who don't have the luxury to think about their problems in a house, or in warm clothes, or even a full stomach. "there are those out there that would kill for that shit you throw away in the street". one mans trash is most certainly another mans treasure. when i pray to God, which is not often enough, i try to make sure i ask that HE take care of others needs before my own because ultimately i know mine pale in comparison to those of others. I once read "do what you can, because there are those that may not be able to" and i believe that it would be ok if thats what the world spun for.