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About Me

I'm outraged by the direction ebay is heading. I have been with ebay since 1999, and have just had it with their greed, and lack of desire to assist the people who pay them.
This myspace page is to help unite ebay members who are frustrated with ebay, and to give direction to members so we can be successful in our mission to take ebay back.
The plan is to create a united battle, rather than to shoot in every direction. By being one we can have a better chance at forcing ebay to listen to us.
Ebay members unite.
No Selling.
No Buying.
Ebay cannot make money if we refuse to sell and buy on their site.
We are directing ebay sellers to help find one or two alternate sites to ebay, and vote as a group to which one or two sites to move to, as a group. We are directing buyers to join in, and buy from those sellers on those sites. As a unit we can shape the future.
Our demands are simple and fair: 1. Bring back sanity to the fees. When ebay raised final value fees to 5.25% they nearly broke the small seller. By increasing these fees to 8.75% they will. For those who do not understand, 5.25% and their listing fees in addition to ebay's PayPal fees of 2.99% (including s/h fees, which ebay expects we keep at actual rates) with their per transaction fee typically takes away 30-60% of a seller's profits. For which they REFUSE to offer support. While many would oppose any fee increase, we realize they too are a business, and have the right to raise their fees. We simply ask that it be legitimate, and fair for us. 2. Revamp the Feedback System. The system has been broke for a long time. However, the changes ebay is planning is wrong. Sellers have the right to leave negative feedback. There are concerns over retaliatory feedback. This is NOT the way to fix that. Losing what ebay considers "irrelevant" feedback is not a correct way to revamp the feedback system. We demand that ebay return to the way it was, but, continue to find ways that will fix the crippled system. Not find ways to annihilate it completely.
From the Original Ebay Union Petitioner, Nancy, of ebizauctions:
Dear Members,
As some of you may know, eBay executives held an Ecommerce meeting in January with its top 200 Powersellers. It is no coincidence that shortly after the meeting eBay decided to make changes in fees and policies that disproportionately affects the small seller.
I firmly believe that it is eBay’s intention to drive the small seller out of the marketplace in order to help increase the profits of the huge powersellers. Once all the small sellers have gone, the larger sellers can charge more for their items because of limited competition. What Donahoe, eBay’s new leader, does not realize is that when the great deals are gone the buyers will go away too.
I know some people are saying that if sellers do not like the changes eBay makes then they do not have to sell on the site. While that is true, I believe over the last 10 years eBay, Inc and its subsidiary Paypal have become a monopoly. There is no other online auction site currently that can compete with eBay and its domination of the virtual marketplace.
There are tens of thousands of small sellers who depend on the global marketplace to earn a living. It is my hope and belief that if we stand together we can put enough pressure on eBay to rethink its current corporate strategy. Our primary goal is to hurt eBay in its pocketbook through decreases in revenues and in stock prices. When the stockholders see their stock crashing; they will speak and eBay will listen.
This will not be an easy or short fight. One week of boycotting will not affect eBay’s bottom line but it is a start. As members of this Union , I am asking you to do the following:
1) Recruit as many members to the union as you can. The more members we have the more legitimate we become. There is strength in numbers. My ID has been blocked from posting on any of the eBay community boards but I have posted in other areas on the web – Please get the word out – use youtube, facebook and other public websites.
2) Participate in the boycott – it is scheduled - Feb 18th – 25th. Please remind all members not only to refuse to list – but DO NOT BUY. This boycott may have to be extended. Remind buyers that if the small seller leaves eBay then the great deals and selection will go with them.
3) Get information about the union and the boycott to as many media outlets as possible. Negative press is the best weapon we have especially in affecting the price of eBay stock. I am hoping to recruit a law firm to file a class action suit against eBay or other legal action against them.
4) Call and write your United States Congress. It is election year and a great time for those up for election to take a stand with the little guy. It would be great if John Edwards would take up our cause or speak on our behalf. He is a big union supporter and may have some free time on his hands now. If you can call or write him about our cause – he may be willing to help.
5) Lastly, I ask you from this day forward - to not participate in the eBay Feedback program. Do not give any feedback to buyers or sellers. EBay has made the system useless and dishonest. I will refuse to participate in the program. I will also be adding to all of my remaining auctions the following phrase.
“Dear Customer,I regret to inform you that because of eBay’s new rules regarding feedback, I will no longer participate in the program. Ebay has forbidden me to leave honest feedback so I will leave nothing.
Please know that I appreciate your business and will continue to offer you great customer service and fast shipping as I have done for the last five years. EbizAuctions is an honest seller and we will do everything within reason to make your buying experience a positive one.”
Ebay should have no problem with this statement being in my auction listing since the feedback program is supposed to be voluntary. I would encourage all union members to write something similar in their listings or feel free to use my words (be sure to change the name).
I would like to thank each and every one of you for having the courage to take a stand against this mega giant. I know it will take a lot of work and a little luck to get the results that we want but our cause is just. What this corporation is doing to the thousand of small sellers across this county is unfair and unAmerican. We need to stand together to fight the absolute power eBay has in the online auction business. Nancy Baughman
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton, 1887

My Interests




Twisted Sister


BLONDIE'S LATEST VIDEO: MAY 1st STRIKE:FEB. 18-25 2008 WORLDWIDE EBAY STRIKE Created by Ebay Member Madeline1973

Another Fine "Blondie" Production This is good! Thanks to myspace member "Ebay Strike Let's Make a Difference" for this one:
EBAY MONOPOLY! STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS! Thanks Julie for pointing this one out:
UNTITLED PETITION VIDEO Thanks to member David M.
Thanks David M. for this submission.

My Blog

Dear Ebay

Dear EBay,This letter is to inform you that I am officially boycotting your site.In a press response, you said "Buyers don't boycott ebay". I'm here to inform you, you are very incorrect. I ...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:09:00 PST

Why Boycott Ebay? Why Not Just Leave Ebay?

I’m constantly being asked, "Why don’t you just leave ebay, if you are unhappy with them?"Well, the fact of the matter is, I have. But, I am merely one person. Long gone are the days where...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:44:00 PST

From E-Mail: Can the EBay/Member Relationship be Saved?

I received this from member Idee. I think its worth repeating. *****************EBay really has a problem. We have vented and expounded on why many current and proposed practices are unfair, but with ...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:28:00 PST

Is Donahoe Right For Ebay?

I ask, is John Donahoe really the man to head ebay? John Donahoe:* First Ebay CEO & President to have been boycotted twice in the same year. His proposed changes caused a boycott before ...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST

Ebay Says "Trust Us". We Ask "Why?"

Computer glitches are everywhere this week. My ISP has been more unstable than usual this week, and Donahoe's ebay has been buggy. So much so, that thousands of listings appeared out of nowhere.One re...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:56:00 PST

Ebay Boycott Working!

WHY the boycott is working! 1. Ebay is offering a second promotional listing day this week. This rarely happens. Actually, i only recall this happening once before. Sales were down. 2. Ebay is making ...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:54:00 PST

Why Sellers Fear EBay’s New Feedback Policy

Up until now, there has been only people making claims of adverse effects from Ebay's new feedback policies. And while I do not dispute many of the accusations as having occured, there has yet to be a...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:50:00 PST

Ebay Boycott Working! (And it hasnt even begun)

It completely amazes me how much noise we are making. I was dumbfounded when I realized just how much noise we are making! Ebay is already feeling the crunch of our displeasure. I figure since I have ...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 07:50:00 PST

Ebay Making Concessions?

..> It's a bit early to start celebrating, but, it sure looks like EBay is getting a little worried. Ebay looks to be making some concessions. Not enough to say call off the strike; but, enough to...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:46:00 PST

You’re Doing Great! Boycott Ebay 2008!

Ebay spoke loud and clear. "We're doing it OUR way".Well, we're speaking louder. "We're NOT gonna take it anymore"New Ebay top dog calls us nothing more than mere noise.We responded. "Cum on FEEL the ...
Posted by BoycottEbay on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 07:13:00 PST