My 3 Children...
They show me that unconditional love is the only way to love anyone!!! I am truly the luckiest woman alive to have been blessed with 3 of the most beautiful angels that God has ever created.♥ ♥ ♥Adrian...
You taught me to live a little, laugh a lot and love DEEP and most importantly what LOYALTY really means! You are my best friend, my love, my ♥ . You're the best thing that EVER happened to me! There are so many sides to you that no one else has been blessed enough to see & I except, love & embrace every part of you. I fricken' ♥ U so much!!!!♥ ♥ ♥My Friends...
I thank GOD for you all EVERYDAY! Without you guys, I would have caught a case on more than one occasion. lol! You are true friends! ALWAYS have my back no matter what. You all have enriched my life in different ways & I love you so very much!!!!♥ ♥ ♥My Mom & Dad...
Mom ~ You were always there for us in everyway! You supported all our dreams and except us for who we are and I thank you for that!
Dad ~ You ARE a man of integrity, honesty and love. You taught me what real love looks like by how you were with mom & you taught me marriage is sacred and even though you were taken from us way too soon, I see you every night in my dreams!
I ♥ U Daddy!