Fonde en aout 1997, appele d'abord BRYMSTONE puis rapidement BIG BROWN BAG, les premieres compositions du quintet (forme ces temps la de deux guitaristes -Flo & Ju-, un bassiste -Alex-, un chanteur -Foux- et un batteur -Andreas-) etaient dans un style punk hardcore avec des influences allant des Vandals ou Union 13, d'autres comme Downset ou Snot (par exemple).Vers la fin de 1999, le groupe se separa de leur second guitariste Ju ; le quintet devint un quatuor desormais nomme ILLTEMPER.
Celui-ci donna de nombreuses nouvelles representations de juin 99 a juin 00 en compagnie de groupes tels que Skarlett, Colorblind, Slim, Opposite Prompt Side, Space Sugar, Stens etc...
Puis en automne 00, evoluant toujours dans un style fusion hardcore, le groupe "engagea" Johan aux platines mais celui-ci quitta Illtemper en rejoignant El'Nath vers fevrier 01.ILLTEMPER redevint un quatuor avec la meme formation : Foux au chant, Flo a la guitare, Alex a la basse et Andreas a la batterie.
Le groupe evolue de jour en jour ; ses influences sont depuis Noise Hardcore (tels que des groupes comme : Converge, Coalesce, Botch, les premiers Dillinger Escape Plan, les premiers Cave In, Jesuit, Rorschach, Deadguy et plein d'autres).
Malheureusement Illtemper (ainsi que Big Brown Bag) n'a eu jamais l'occasion et le privilege de s'enregistrer en studio (entre ete 1997 et fin 2003 !!) pour cause de moyens financiers et techniques, supprimant ainsi presque 40 compos , perdues dans la memoire de certains !!!Cest pour cela qu'en janvier 2004, apres une quarantaine de compos, Illtemper trouva les moyens et la motivation de concretiser leur vieux projet (devenu a l'usure un vieux reve !!) en enregistrant leur premier album 13 titres Hoax Naevus chez leurs amis Hole (Eyeless) & Mat (Sanity Sight) au studio Trendkill.Debut juillet 04, le groupe se separe d'Alex (bassiste) et le remplace par Laurent (ex-Shatter, Imprint, Surge).
L'album intitule Hoax Naevus sortit en fevrier 2005 sur le label Prototype Records. Il est compose de 8 morceaux plus 3 pistes cachees.
Ainsi Illtemper, apres quelques concerts dont un avec Pelican, songe enregistrer leurs nouveaux morceaux en studio dans le courant 2006.C'est pourquoi Florent Commeinhes et Franck Fisteberg enregistrerent leurs 9 nouveaux morceaux @ Rock Studios en fevrier 06, car Laurent a du quitter le groupe precipitement pour partir habiter en Allemagne.Un des 9 morceaux, Slave of Structure, apparait sur la compilation CD limite et numerote a la main a 200 ex., Underground Metal Comp. Vol.1, sur le label americain AcidVictim Records sortie en aout 06 (en compagnie de Stuntman, Sewn Shut etc...).Un autre titre apparaitra, exclusivement, sur la compilation CD, Everywhere Is Loud !, sur le label allemand Evil Killing Records en 2007.
Une reprise du titre Black Sabbath (par le meme groupe) sera exclusivement sur The Black Sabbath Collateral Damage Split Tribute 3" CD-R, limite et numerote a la main a 100 ex., en compagnie de Stuntman et Denizen, sur Prototype Records, debut 2007.
Et enfin, un split 4 groupes (15 minutes/groupe, correspondant a 4 titres exclusifs pour Illtemper) avec The Art Of Keeping Silent, Boys First Time et Dorian Gray est prevu pour 2007.Illtemper espere trouver un label capable de les aider a sortir un vinyl 7" (avec leurs 2 nouveaux et meilleurs titres dessus) en co-prod, par exemple, pour 2007, voire 2008 s'il le faut !!!Formed in august 1997, named first BRYMSTONE then quickly BIG BROWN BAG, the first compositions of the quintet (original members: 2 guitarists -Flo & Ju-, a bassist -Alex-, a singer -Foux- and a drummer -Andreas-) was in a punk hardcore vein with influences like Vandals or Union 13, or others like Downset or Snot (for example).At the end of 1999, the second guitarist Ju left the band ; it's now a quartet called ILLTEMPER.
This one made a lot of new shows from june 99 to june 00 with bands like Skarlett, Colorblind, Slim, Opposite Prompt Side, Space Sugar, Stens etc...
Then in autumn 00, still evolving in a hardcore fusion style, Illtemper took Johan at the turntables but this one left them for the band El'Nath in february 01.ILLTEMPER "re-became" a quartet with the same members : Foux on vocals, Flo at the guitar, Alex at the bass and Andreas at the drums.
The band is still growing and evolving ; its influences are since Noise Hardcore (like these one : Converge, Coalesce, Botch, the firsts Dillinger Escape Plan, the firsts Cave In, Jesuit, Rorschach, Deadguy and many others).
Unfortunately Illtemper (Big Brown Bag also) never had the chance to record their 40 songs between summer 97 and end of 03 !!!That's why in january 2004, after these 40 songs, Illtemper found the motivation to concrete their old project by recording their first album 13 tracks Hoax Naevus at their friends' Hole (Eyeless) & Mat (Sanity Sight) Trendkill Studio.At the beginning of july 04, Alex (bass) left the band and he's immediately replaced by Laurent (ex-Shatter, One More Season, Imprint, Surge...).
The album is called Hoax Naevus and is out since february 2005 on Prototype Records. 8 songs plus 3 hidden tracks.
Then Illtemper, after fiew gigs (one with Pelican), have been recorded their 9 new songs at Rock Studios by Florent Commeinhes and Franck Fisteberg in february 06, because Laurent had to leave the band in order to live in Germany.One of these 9 new songs is called Slave of Structure and appear on the limited and hand-numbered to 200 copies AcidVictim Records Comp. (US),Underground Metal Comp. Vol.1, out on Aug.06 (w/ Stuntman, Sewn Shut etc...).Another track will appear on 2007 on the Everywhere Is Loud CD Comp., on the German label Evil Killing Records.
A Black sabbath cover (called the same) will be on The Black Sabbath Collateral Damage Split Tribute 3" CD-R w/ Stuntman and Denizen, limited and hand-numbered to 100 copies on Prototype Records in 2007.
And finally, a 4 way band split (15 minutes per band) w/ The Art Of Keeping Silent, Boys First Time and Dorian Gray will appear on 2007.But actually, the band is looking for labels that could be interested by releasing us a vinyl 7" with their 2 new (and best ever done) songs on it, even for a co-release for 2007 or 2008 !!!Shop on line for ordering Illtemper stuffs Prototype Records
Releases(from the younger to the older) V/A "Still Alive In Our Minds" Compilation
A compilation with 20 french bands
500 copies pressed
Compilation CD Album 20 trax
Released by Prototype Records - Jan.2008
Recorded @ Rock Studios - Feb.2006/Jan.2007
Mastered by Franck Fisteberg, Florent Commeinhes & Colin Trognée @ Rock Studios on Nov.2007Illtemper track Life Of Compromises (Stop conceding on our humanity) (unreleased / exclusive)ORDER IT NOW from the Prototype Records' site
prototypebbbc[a] ILLTEMPER / STUNTMAN / DENIZEN - The Black Sabbath Collateral Damage Split Tribute
A 3 Band Split Tribute with one Black Sabbath cover for each band !!
3" CD-R EP 3 trax / Limited & Hand-Numbered to 100 copies
Released by Prototype Records on October.2007
Illtemper had recorded @ Rock Studios Feb.2006/Jan.2007Illtemper cover track Black Sabbath (Unreleased / Exclusive to this comp)ORDER NOW for 5 euros (or $6) post paid/port compris!! (or 3 euros hand to hand) at Prototype Records
prototypebbbc[a]hotmail.comV/A "Everywhere Is Loud!" Compilation
A compilation with 25 worldwide bands
1500 copies pressed
Compilation CD Album 25 trax
Released by Evil Killing Records (Germany) - summer.2007
Recorded @ Rock Studios - Feb.2006/Jan.2007Illtemper track Jihad Invention (Unreleased / Exclusive to this comp)ORDER IT NOW from the Evil Killing Records site
Split 4 Bands CD-Album 16 trax (4 Illtemper trax)
Released by Prototype Records and Egeria Records on April.2007 / 500 copies
Illtemper had recorded @ Rock Studios Feb.2006/Jan.20074 Illtemper tracks
* Fake Drugs Dealer
* Devil Loves Green
* Hurricane Blow Your Walls
* Pierre Bourdieu VS Master Screen ORDER NOW for 10 euros (or $12) post paid/port compris!! (or 8 euros hand to hand) at Prototype Records
Or at Egeria Records
egeria-records[a]hotmail.frV/A Underground Metal Compilation Vol.1
A compilation with 15 worldwide bands
Limited and hand-numbered to 200 copies
CD-Album 15 trax
Released by AcidVictim Records (US) - Aug.2006
Recorded @ Rock Studios - Feb./April.2006Illtemper track Slave Of Structure (Unreleased / Exclusive to this comp)ORDER NOW for $5 from the AcidVictim Records site
Or simply by our label Prototype Records
prototypebbbc[a] ILLTEMPER - Hoax Naevus
CD-Album 13 trax
Released by Prototype Records on Feb.2005 / 1000 copies
Recorded @ Trendkill Studios Jan.20041. From Introduction To Concretisation
2. Unchain
3. Jehovah
4. What colour are your bones ?
5. Shiva's Temple
6. Fallen Angel
7. Consume
8. Fit Of Madness
Hidden Tracks
9. Spirit Emptiness
10. Make Pure Silence Due To
11. Soporific (Interlude 1)
12. Vapor (Interlude 2)
13. Unusual IncidentORDER NOW for 12 euros (or $13) post paid/port compris!! (or 10 euros hand to hand) at Prototype Records
prototypebbbc[a] Shop on line for ordering Illtemper stuffs Prototype Records Or simply check some of our distributors:
Prototype Records
Egeria Records
Head Records
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