.. ....I am a very open and friendly person, so when it comes to my interests I like to pretty much do anything, except hunting, I love the little animals. I like sports, indoor and outdoor activities, shopping :), reading, I love going to school, pretty much everything like I stated before.
Famous people I would like to meet: Gwen Stafani, Cris Angel, Angelina Jolie, Ronnie Van Zant, Jimmi Hendrix, my family that has passed, and I would love to see my Brother Micheal again SOON.
I like all music, except the stuff that doesn't make since, like some rap. Look at my little jukebox, I have a wide variety of music.
My favorite movie would have to be Pretty Woman, Other then that I like scary movies, funny movies, and some action movies. Not much on love stories, but I did Love the Notebook.
Never really watched much TV but there are a few shows that I have seen some of that I liked, Carnivale, Nip Tuck, Grey's Anatomy, The Hills, and Ugly Betty.
'The Medal Of Honor' really good book. 'Night' by Elie Weisel another good one, and other then that I like war storys, self improvement books, cook books. They're not really meant for reading but they have some good stuff to learn.
My heros are my Brothers Michael, John, David, Kary, my sisters Angela, and Jennifer, and my parents for whom I love dearly. I can't forget my Grandmal who made me realize what life is really about.