•dEatH sEntEnCe profile picture

•dEatH sEntEnCe

I am here for Friends

About Me

hEre aRe mY CutiE bAbieS..mY bAby bRo and mY nieCe

i LovE tHeM tO dEatH..
LoOk! AreN't tHey cUte?
Myspace Layouts
•ϖ•hEy tHeRe..iM sHei-shEi, 20 yEarS Of aGe.
hhMMm, weLL iM a vEry giGGly pErsOn..i LikE tO giGGle alOt! Most Of mY fRiEndS On xBxLivE caLLed mE giGGles..hAhAhA!
U cAn bAsiCaLLy tEll wHen iM lYing Or nOt cOz mOst oF tHe tiMe wHen i Lie i cAn't sTop giGGling thEhEhEhE!! iT's rEaLLy CraZy..i LikE tO tAlk, bUt mOst Of tHe tiMe i jUst ListEn.. i dOn't tAke cOmpLimEntS vEry gOod!! i'LL jUst sAy..nO i'M nOt..Or Ok wAteVer..Or Oh oK!! sO i'M sOrRy iF eVer, U knOw..aNd i LikE tO mAke fUn oF eVerYtHinG nOt rEaLLy mAkiN' fUn iN a bAd wAy..i jUst dO iT tO mAke peOpLe sMile..bUt pLLss dOn't eXpeCt mE tO mAke y'aLL hAppY cOz eVen i,mYseLf iS NOT HAPPY enOugH bUt i'M coNteNted Of wAt i got. •ϖ•aNywAy i LikE pLayinG bAsKetbaLL aNd wAtchiNg iT and pLayiNg HaLo 2 On xBxLive. wAt eLse??wAteVer i gUeSs!!!!! •ϖ•LikE i SaiD i'M a kiNda gUrl tHat sMilE aLL tHe TiMe kiNda StupiD cOz eVen sOmeTimEs i'M suPpOsed tO bE mAd i'LL bE sMiLing beFoRe mY tEmPer gOes Up. i LikE bUttErFLies aNd fiRefLies. i LikE aNimE(oNe iS Naruto) aNd i Like sUpeRmAn tOo aNd mY fAvOriTe cOlor iS pUrpLe aNd gReeN.
aNd AHHHHH!! i'M sCarEd Of being aLone iN tHe dArk aNd sTaYin' aLonE iN tHe hOuSe aT NiGht...aNd OH MY GOD.WWWOOOORRRMMMMSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!•ϖ•

td.columnsWidening img, td.columnsWidening object { max-width:100% !important; width: ..this.width 400 ? 400 : true); }
Myspace Layouts
For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
Girly Myspace Comments

My Interests

♥ wHaT iF bY NiNa ♥
EriC LikEs tHis sOng..

♥ I beLieVed ♥

tEll mE wHat iT's gOnNa bE tHis tiMe
sAy tHat i wAs jUst a fOoL tO bEliEve yOu wErE miNe
cAnnOt iMaGine liFe wiThOut yOu bY my siDe
aNd iT's kiLLin mY hEaRt cOz i wiSh i kNew wHy
wHy wOuLd yOu dO mE tHis wAy?
wHen i LovE yOu baBy


i beLiEved wHat yOu sAid
bUt lOve doEsN't hAve a mEaNing
wHen yOu hUrt mE sO bAd
jUst tHrew iT aLL awAy
yOu kNew i wAs sCarEd
tO oNce mOre lEt yOu giVe tHat clOse tO mE
despite wat u did i believed

yOu sAid iT wAs gOnNa bE fOr ReaL tHis Time
yOu sAid yOu weRe gOnNa maKe iT Up tO mE
aNd eVeryThiNg wiLL bE fiNe
nEveR tHoUghT tHat i wOuLd hAvE tO lEt yOu gO tHis wAy
shOuLd'Ve fOllOwed mY hEarT bUt i feLL fOr tHe GamE
liFe wiLL jUst nOt bE tHe sAme wiThoUt yOu baBy

RePeat ChoRus

nOw wHat dO i sAy? it wAs yOu..
yOu tHat mAd tHe chOicE tO waLk aWay
bUt nOw..lOve wiLL coMe mY wAy aGaiN
i dOn't waNNa hEar yOuR sOrry
cOz yOu kNow wE've ReaChed tHe End

RePeat ChorUs

i believed...

♥ pAksHet dAwG ♥.. ..•ϖ•..pLayiNg bAsKeTbaLL•ϖ• ,
Cute Myspace Layouts
•ϖ•wAtcHing mOviEs(YOH!!ADAM SANDLER MAN!!) liSteNin' mUsic, siNgiNg tHou i SUCK!! aNd dO wAteVeR FiTs mE..•ϖ••ϖ•i LikE bEiNg a GanGstA!! hAhAhAhAhA.. "wiNk"!•ϖ•
Ur love makes a guy... by flop
Your Name...
Your Kiss... makes guys fall in love with you
Your Eyes... makes guys love u
Your Boobs... Makes guys wanna see u strip
Your Ass... Makes guys wanna see it shakin' so... slow
Your Laugh... is cute makes guys laugh with you

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

i'D LikE tO mEet niCe peOpLe. wHo cAn HaNg oN mY stuPid aTTitUdes aNd cRaZy pErsOnaLiTy. bUt iF u tHink U caN't...LEAVE mY pAge! iT's NOT wOrtH iT!! aNd oH dOn't tAlk trasH bEhiNd mY bAck gUrl, jUst cOz U cAn't bE ShEiShEi!!! AnD i beLievE uR nOt tHat biG oF a LosEr!!


•ϖ•weLL iT dEpeNds On my moOd..bUt niCe lYriCs tAke mY hEaRt aWay, u gOt mE tHerE..•ϖ• •ϖ•bUt fOr nOw lEts DanCe YAHOO!! TAYO'Y MAG OCHO-OCHO!!!•ϖ• a class='hov' style='display:block;width:300px;border:solid 2px black;padding:5px'


•ϖ•i'M Open..aNy kiNda mOvies bUt i LovE JaCkiE cHaN's mOvieS! ding!!ϖSPIDEYMAN...SPIDEYMAN....


•ϖ•SmaLLviLLe(Clark) mAn! ding ding ding!!•ϖ•

oH..i lOve tHis gUy..eRic aka gReg on cSi LaS veGaS aNd iT haPPenS thaT i gOt tHis tWo grEat gUys in mY liFe naMe EriC anD gReG..♥_i LovE yOu, Lov3rBoY_♥


i jUst LikE rEaDing aNime cOmiC boOkS!



My Blog


whydo you always do this to mewhycouldnt u just see it though mehow comeyou act like thislike you just dont care at alldo you expect me to believei was the only one to falli can feel i can feel you ne...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 05:19:00 PST

wHy LiFe iS FuLL Of sTupiD sHit..

why i always need to choose..why i can't just have both..why do i need to sacrifice and give up the other one..? why do i always need to consider about other people..why do i need to care about w...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 05:22:00 PST


Why can't people just accept youfor you and put their trust in you?I mean,you gave me everythingthat I could have ever needed,all I have to do is,put my trust into you!Lord,you are my saviorand the Ho...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 10:04:00 PST

tHoUghT iN hEaD!!

It's always easy to write stuff when your head is telling you one thing and your heart another. I dunno what it is...It's just easy to talk about stuff! hmmmm... I've learned that life isn't all it's ...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 07:57:00 PST

im so thankful ur my friend

  My FRIEND Friendship is a Priceless Gift that cannot be bought or sold,But its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hearAnd in...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 04:38:00 PST

together forever

Together  Forever Though I've never met you I've seen you a thousand times. At night, when I close my eyes, I feel us together. The moon never shines but that it reminds me of us together.And th...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 04:32:00 PST


A Friend Like YouHow did I get so lucky to find a friend like you?One who's always there, in good times and in bad,Who stands with me against the world inHappy times as well as sad.One who's always cl...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 04:24:00 PST


SometimesSometimes I wonder why you went awaySometimes I know the answer and sometimes I wishSometimes that we could start all overSometimes I just want to say: I Love You.Sometimes I wonder what it w...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 04:10:00 PST

i woder

I Wonder I wonder if you know the painOr feel the tears I cry?Or hear my laughter just the sameAs a stranger passing by? I often wonder if you knowThe sadness in my heart;Or even if you care aboutThe ...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 04:03:00 PST

hello im shai

hello.im shai hope u'll welcome me here im new and dont know how myspace work or how can i make my account/profile nice and good..hope u'll help me out and hope to be ur friend any way im from the bea...
Posted by •dEatH sEntEnCe on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 04:17:00 PST