Musique, batterie, dessins (true Black Metal Artwork creation), photographie, lecture...
"...We are inspired by our hatred towards humanity, life goodness, and hapiness...All my time is dedicated to the WAR" -Euronymous 1993
"I am a Satanicblasphemicchurchtombscryptchapelsdarkbooks made-of-human-flesh-and-innocent baby freak!!! I wear corpse paint, serve my lord SATANAS and sacrifice to him..." -Dead 1990
"I tell them we don't need more bands, we need TERRORISTS..." -Euronymous 1993
"In thruth, Euronymous truly was the creator of true Black Metal [...] HAIL EURONYMOUS" -Mortiis 1995
All HAIL the true King...
Also To Quorthon, Dead, Grim, Valfar and jon Nodveidt RIP
No Trend, No Poseur, No Traitor, No wimps like Hellhammer...
True, Suicidal, Depressif, Black, Brutal, Death (Old School), Pagan, Viking, Folk, Heavy Metal et classic
Absu, Abyssmal, Abyssum, Acherontas, Aegrus, Altar of Perversion, Alatyr, Amystery, Ancestors Blood, Anti, Aosoth, Armaggedon, Ars Goetia, Atman, Atroce, Avinar, Bahimiron, Bannerwar, Baptism, Beastcraft, Behelal, Blackwinds, Blazemth, Blodsrit, Briagh, Brisen, Broken Moon, Caedus Vocum, Caliginous, Coldworld, Celestial Bloodshed, Chirsticide, Clandestine Blaze, Cultus, Dagon, Dark Tunes of Depression, Dawn, Dawnfall, Deathcult, Defaillance, Elhaz, Elimi, Ereshkigal, Evil Wrath, Fiave, Frozen Shadows, Funeral Forest, Furze, Genocide, Gestapo 666, Godless North, Graupel, Grimnir, Haatstrijd, Hail, Happy Days, Heimdalls, Hiems, Helvete, Hellvetic Frost, Hemnur, Horna, Hordagaard, Horn, Hypothermia, Ildjarn, Immortal Hammer, Impavide, Impious Havoc, Infernal Hate, Infurnal, Irhmgaar, Isolation, I Shalt Become, Iuvenes, Jotunheim, Jotunspor, Kadotus, Kargvint, Krypt, Krypteia, Kult, Kult Ofenzivy, Kvist, Lathspell, Life is Pain, Life Neglected, Lugubre Misanthropy, Lugubrum, Lupus Nocturnus, Lycanthropys Spell, Make a change... Kill yoursel, Malveillance, Massemord, Matricide, Melancolia Estatica, Miserys Omen, Morthond, Murk, Necrofost, Necrolust Ovskum, Niden Div.187, Nihill, Nihil Nocturne, Nitberg, Nocturnal Graves, Nyktalgia, Odal, Ondskapt, Opfer Rassenhass, Ordinul Negru, Orlog, Ornaments of Sin, Pyre, Rahu, Ride for Revenge, Riddle Of Meander, Rites of Cleansing, Rites of thy Degringolade, Saatkrdhe, Sacramentary Abolishmen, Sadoraas, Sargeist, Sarkom, Sarrgh, Secretly in Pain, Shatargat, Slavia, Slavigrom, Slidhr, Sombre Chemin, Snowfall, Spell Forest, Sterbend, Stiny, Supremacy, Svartfell, Svart Hat, Svartsyn, Tarihan, Tenebrae in Perpetuum, Terror Throne, The Ruins of Beverast, Thy Black Blood, Todestrieb, Trist, Tumulus, Tymah, Urfaust, Urlog, Uterus, Utgard, Valsblut, Vargnatt, Varsang, Vermis Mysteriis, Verdunkeln, Volkurah, Warloghe, Wolfe, Wurzelkraft, Xastur(BE), Zarathustra, Zephyrous, Zorn.
Molière, Baudelaire, Kant, Freud, Descartes, Sophocle, Platon, Alain, Leibniz, Volatire, Socrate, Montesquieu, Ricoeur...
"Mais voici venue l'heure de nous en aller, moi pour mourrir, vous pour vivre. Qui, de vous ou de moi, se dirige vers le meilleur sort? Celà n'est dévoilé à nul autre qu'au dieu." Platon - Apoligie de Socrate