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Hey you!

About Me

That is a lot to say. To sum it up in a few sentences I am a interesting and wierd person. I am pretty open minded and respect most people for who they are. I love music, reading, and am very involved in Politics. Keeps my mind going. What else? HMMM?Let me think about that! Oh, I like school and like to learn new things even if I don't understand it.

My Interests

I am a person of many interests and things. But one of my biggest interests is experiencing and seeing different things. This can go from doing something different everyday and enjoying the little things in life or going to other countries and experiencing other cultures; how everyone in this world has a distinct personality. That is one thing the military has shown me. I have been to Korea, Afghanistan, and now Guam and it has taught me that seeing and experiencing different cultures matures you. In some places makes you realize how lucky you are to have the things you have. The things we take for granted in life such as running water and things like that. My dream one day is to be able to travel the world and see and even live in many different cultures and countries. I also want to be a author and write my own books one day. Already wrote too much now!

I'd like to meet:

Cool People. Especially people from other countries. I like diverse crowds.


I respect most forms of music. I may not like some of them but I do respect them for the differences in them. My favorate types of music are Jazz, Classical, Blues, Punk ( real punk, not pop punk! Dead Kennedy's, Black Flag, Minor Threat, etc.), Metal, Hip Hop, and so on. As long as it shows some type of talent or is making a statement I am cool with it.


I guess you could call me a old school cat. I like films such as Lawrence of Arabia, Ghandi, Apocalypse Now, and other classics.


I really don't watch that much t.v. More of a reader. But if I do watch some television it is either the news or my sports which are Boxing, Hockey and Basketball. ESPN!


Some of my favorate literature is the classics such as Franz Kafka, James Joyce and Joseph Conrad. Anything that makes me think I usually show interest in.


That is hard to say. I really don't have any but if i had to choose it would probably be my mother and my family members because they have supported me in my tough times.