About Me
BORN IN LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA , RAISED IN BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA , AND NOW LIVE IN TEXAS--"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." -- ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- You know how, when your listing to music playing from another room and your singing along because its a tune you really love when a door closes or a train passes so you can't hear the music anymore but you sing along anyway, then no matter how much time passes when you hear the music again your still in exact same timing with it, . . . . .that's what it's like--------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------ -- Never give up without a fight! ----------------------------------------
Crew change is the day, we all get to go home,
Everyone is excited, everyone is listening for the phone.
The guys are all cheerful, their 2weeks is all done,
It’s time to go home, for 2 full weeks of fun.
It’s not for everyone, this working offshore,
You have to be strong willed, and tough to the core.
I’ve seen grown men cry like babies, totally broke down,
They start begging and pleading, for a flight back to town.
To live in the gulf, to be gone half your life,
You are either very single, or you have a special wife.
In the winter time it’s very windy, and so very cold,
This is when working offshore, makes a young man turn old.
The worst thing in the winter, besides losing your coat,
Is when the helicopters can’t fly, and you have to ride the boat.
So for those of us that do it, we must be warped in the mind,
We will all end up in the nut house, it’s just a matter of time...
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