JOHN FM profile picture


“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”

About Me

My paintings. work hard for the weekend. I work in television and film production. I enjoy writing, painting, acting, editing, directing, sexing, and cooking

My Interests

sketches and mimes

I'd like to meet:

People who can add something to the story.


Anything with a good beat. And songs that make me sad.Beck - Clap Hands

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edward scissorhands, who framed roger rabbitt, Batman, Rebel Without a Cause, Dumb and Dumber, With Honors, eternal sunshine,Dumb and Dumber,Little Miss Sunshine, Life as a House( i know it sucks )


The Office, 24, Family Guy, Olympics, Heros, Simpsons,SNL, Curb and NBC news


The Corrections, The Great Gatsby, Great Expectations,Catcher, My Teacher is an Alien series ..


tim burton, Dana Carvey, Mike Myers