Fashion Is Art Magazine is owned, created, published, and distributed by the founders and employees of the nonprofit organization, Fashion Is Art Inc. Fashion Is Art Magazine is a fashion, arts and entertainment, magazine that focuses on rising artists such as musicians, fashion designers, culinary artists, painters, photographers, thespians etc. and their contributions to fashion as well as their art genre. Fashion Is Art seeks to take a smart look at ambitious artists who are persevering toward success in a fashion forward, upbeat manner.Fashion Is Art Magazine speaks directly to aspiring artists and individuals who are interested knowing about their journey. Unlike other magazines that focus solely on individuals who are already of celebrity status, and/or rich and famous, Fashion Is Art Magazine spotlights subterranean artists who are on the rise to stardom and great success. This magazine serves as a media outlet for those talented, little known, or unknown individuals who desire to be more than a local or neighborhood celebrity.
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