Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris profile picture

Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris

I am here for Friends

About Me

adopt your own virtual pet! Hey people my name is Jenny but you can call me Elizabeth, which is my middle name. I am a friendly, caring, and loving person once you start to know me. I am not the type of person that would hurt and talk shit behind your back unless your someone that who I thought was my friend and found out from other people you were talking shit behind my back. Well, I will talk shit behind your back to see how it feels becasue supposedly you were my friend or I will actually tell it in your face or tell you over the fone.It truely hurts finding out from other people. I am someone that will always be there for you no matter what as well support. I listen to rock music but right now I can't stop hearing that song Sexy Back (I can't stop hearing that song. my favorite band right now are Avenged Sevenfold and Suburban Legends, I love them so much and the member are so hot gggggrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! Anyways I'm at Disneyland every weekend that is why I am a Disneyland Whore lol because the empolyees are hot and guys that go there as well lol but I go because it is a cool place to chill and go on rides as well. I was working at the Happiest Placee on Earth aka Disneyland, which meant I was more of a Disneyland Whore than I was before yay I guess. I am looking for a new job right now so I can help my mom with stuff becasue she is the only family I have in my life and she means so much to me I love her with all my heart but I truly miss my grandmother Estella who passed away on November 7th, 2005 and it'll be two year and I miss her so much and I love her with all my heartand I know she is watching me from heaven and protecting me. Not only I love my mom and grandmother but as well my friends: Karla, Nikki, Jon Brooks, Ashely, Jake, Joshua aka Alexander, Carine, Ang, Megan, Crystal, Disney Crystal, Daniela, Samantha, Sarah, Andrew, Erin,Vanessa, and many other I love you and care for you all even if your name is not on here. I love my people from Disney too. You guys a crazy and I have so much fun. Scarpbook coming soon. As well, my boyfriend Chris the love of my life. I have known you for a long time now and not only your my guy best friend but my boyfriend and I love you so much and care for you. You have been there for me not matter what even when I was living with you for a while becasue everythign you have done for me no one has done ever. Like the time I was ill with a cold that you went late at night to get me medicine and something to drink. You took care of me and stay awake up all night and watch me sleep. Till I woke up found you still awake and you were so tired that you went to work with no rest I will always remember that and other stuff you have done for me. I am thankful and lucky to have a boyfriend like you that sometime I don't feel that your my boyfriend that your my husband because that is how much I love you!!!!!!!!!!I know we are going to be togetehr forever I love you Chris!!!!You everything I want in a guy because you make me laugh so much because your a smartass, your cute dumb moments, your craziness, and other things that I love so much. We have been through tough moments but we found a way to make it better and people thought we wouldn't last because of the age difference and the distants between each other btu hey we prove them wrong. Crazy Sarah Samantha, she look cute in a serious way Nikki and me looking hot Ray-Ray and me
Sam from Chevelle Joe from Chevelle Pete from Chevelle (I hate how I Look)
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet! This is the man I am deeply in love with and he is all mine Matt sanders aka M.Shadows. Isn'e he the most beautiful man but ladies hands off (except for Crystal and Nikki). My favorite band beside Avenged Sevenfold is Suburban Legends. Bad ass band live with hot guys My other sexy hasband beside M Shadows is Johnny Depp aka Sexy Captain Jack Sparrow The sweetest guy in the world and I miss him dearly, Ryan Dallas Cook, a rock star with a huge heart and he will always be in my heart. I love you but I know you are rockin up in heaven.

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!


System Of A Down,Avenged Sevenfold, Chevelle, Suburban Legends, Scenic Attraction, Army of Freshmen, 30 seconds to Mars, Arctic Monkeys,Metallica(Old school), Korn(just their music), Green Day, No Doubt, Three Days Grace, Yeah Yeah Yeah, The Killers, Muse, Eminem, Velvet Revolver, Gwen Stefani, Lost Prophet, 80z All Stars, The Beatles, The Fab Four, Taproot, The Mars Volta, Slipknot, Blink 182, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, The Strokes, Franz Ferdinan, Madonna, Juanes, Panic at the Disco, that Jew regge singer, Daddy Yankee(just his music i hate him so much), Red Hot Chill Peppers, Staind, Kumbia Kings, Sean Paul, Chris Daughtry, Music that make me dance and have rhythem but i hear all type of music and other people its a long list


All 3 Lord of the Rings, Van Helsing, Shrek, Shrek 2, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tomb Radier, Resident Evil, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Finding Nemo, Sleeping Beauty(Disney), Sleeping Hallow, Batman Returns, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, White Chicks, The Punisher, Back to the Future, Monster Inc., Ice Age, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, How the Grinch Stole Christmas(Jim Carrey version), Bride Of Chucky, Lilo and Stitch, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Harry Potter 1 and 2(bad speller 4got how 2 spell title name), A Bug's Life, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan(Disney), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Daredevil(Jennifer Garner and Colin Ferrell rule this movie), Dodgeball, Kill Bill 1 and 2, The Fifth Element, Austin Powers(all of them), X-Men 1,2, and 3, Star Wars (Episode 1,3,4,5,and6), Space Balls, Napolean Dynamite, Jackass the Movie, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, The Craft, Scream(all three), Scary Movie 1 and 2(have not seen the 3rd), South Park the movie, KING KONG CAUSE I LOVE MONKEYS, Corpse bride, Mr and Mrs Smith, Shark Tale, The Incredibles, all Disney Movies except the sucky sequals except Toy Story 2, Ice Age, Suburban Legends Live Concert DVD, Green Day Bullet in a Bible Live Concer DVD,Queen of the Damned, Interview with the Vampire, Chicken Little, Bruce Almighty, and more 2 come cant thing right now


Lost, Fear Factor, That 70 Show, Life As We Know It, Complete Savages, Hetty Wainthropp Investigates, WWE programs, Desparate Housewives, Extream Makeover: Home Edition, Alias, Mad TV, Father of the Pride, Scrubs, The Simple Life, Las Vegas(that Josh guy is so hot), Chappelle's Show, No Manches, American Dad, Xena: the warrior princess, Extream Makeover: Home Edition How They Do that!!, Saturday Night Live,Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, My Name is Earl, The Office, PRISON BREAK I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!!!!!, Jackass, Lilo and Stitch cartoons, Night Stakler, and many other show


All 3 Lord of the Rings, Lita: The Reality of Amy Dumas, Always Running, Queen Of the Damned, The Vampire Lestat, The Interview with the Vampire, more books to come


My grandmother Estella Cornejo, who was a second mother to me will always be in my heart and my guardian angel and I will always love her but I know I will see here agin!!!! Rest In Peace my loving grandmother Estella!!!Even though you are not here with me right now and watch me graduate high school but I felt that you were watching me from heaven and I know that I made you proud. I love you so much and you will always be close to my heart always and forever. my mom and grandma who always been there for me in good times and bad like a pain in the ass samantha and sarah my sister love u so much and miss u a lot and u have always been there for me as well as my other mom, but all i have to say is i love my family because my family has been there for me
adopt your own virtual pet! My boyfriend Chris, he is the love of my life but that does not make him my hero. Chris is my hero because while being with him for two weeks he is the most sweetest person ever. He did everything for me took care of me while I was ill, in pain, and bought me stuff because no one has done me that beside my mom. You supported me when I was depressed but you were there by my side and I want to thanks you. I love you Chris with all my heart and I feel lucky to have you into my life and heart.

My Blog

My Computer Screen is broken!!!!!!

Hey people I have not been on myspace due to my computer screen so that's why I disappeared off this place. I am currently at a friends house using his computer because he is tight like that lol. Love...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:48:00 PST

Police: Suspect In Fatal Hit-And-Run Accident Flew To Korea

LOS ANGELES -- Parents of a victim in a hit-and-run accident have learned the identity of the suspected driver, but there is a hitch. Police say that suspect was driven to the airport after the cras...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 07:53:00 PST

A Suburban Legends member calling me a NERD!!!!!

Phil, the trumbone member of Suburban Legends called me a "NERD".  I was shocked because I was never called a nerd but I think I am a Star Wars Nerd lol but hey I ain't no hardcore fan and I am n...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 09:47:00 PST

Suburban Legends Show January 18, 2006

Well last night was the Suburban Legends show and I couldn't wait to see Mikey, Derek, Brian R, Brian K, Vince, Luis, and the new guy Phil kick ass at the Key Club. Well, it was show time and they wer...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:51:00 PST

I will always love and miss u Grandma!!!!!!!

On Monday November 7, 2005 at 7:41 my life changed forever. My Grandmother passed away and i never expected this to happen. 2 weeks ago she arrived home from the hospital and she was doing fine till o...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 10:50:00 PST

Poem Dedicated to Dallas

You can shed tear that he is gone, Or you can smile becuase he lives, You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back, Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.   Your hea...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 06:10:00 PST

Suburband Legends without Dallas

I am going to miss Dallas a guy with a huge heart who was the most sweestest person in the world and we will ever forget him when I heard the news of his death I was speechless and shocked and I ...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 08:54:00 PST

GREEN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Well on October 9 I saw Green Day in concert which was the best concert I have been to but I wish I can write this in a better mood but I am not and you will know why. The show was amazing it was so w...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 08:47:00 PST

Universal on Saturday and here r the pics of the fun we had lol!!!!!

Well we went 2 unviersal on saturday and it was so much fun and stuff but we didnt get wet but what made this fun is maybe all the classic moment that i said like my classic line my sun is towards the...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:45:00 PST

Here are pics when I met Chevelle omg there so hot in person like sizzling hot damn

Hello everyone here r some pics when i met chevelle but omg let me tell u something there so hot in person i would kiss and hig them lol but there really nice guy in person and i love them so much but...
Posted by Jenny Is In Love with M. Shadows!!Still love Chris on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 08:31:00 PST