"Be WHo You aRe aND SaY WaT You FeeL, BeCauSe THoSe WHo MiiND DoNT MaTTeR aND THoSe WHo MaTTeR DoNT MiiND"
↓↓↓ ♥ I want to travel in my spare time♥ I like my men patient More patience, you take might get you in more places -BEYONCE
♥ I want to work behind the scenes in the Entertainment industry
♥ I have a WIDE range of friends, but I HATE self-centered ppl, and people that purposely try and make others feel excluded.
Conflict is something I truly try to avoid.
♥ I ♥love♥ to do things for ppl,it's apart of my virgo characteristics
♥ I hate being in the house by myself
doing nothing, but sometimes I do like
to dwell in my own ambiance
♥ When I'm EXTREMELY bored I clean.
♥ When my hair isnt done I'm EXTREMELY mean and emotional.
♥ I'm constantly calling someone a sugarplum for one reason or another
♥ I'm working on not holding grudges, because I
understand everyone handles
everything differently, and grudges take
way too much energy
♥ I make mistakes just like everyone, I'm learning from experience.
♥ I like to TALK (Verbal Diarrhea, They're still
searching for a cure), although u might
not be able to tell when u first meet me,
but if u stick around you will soon find out.
a Lot♥ I like to write. My notebooks have lots of random thoughts in them.
Thats it.
Why even fool with these other guys, they all stingy All these dudes know how to say is gimme
Gimme some ass,
gimme some brain
Gimme your number,
gimme your name.
I'll make you tell these other dudes gimme got you here
I'll Take you shopping,
Take long trips
I'll Take the cork off,
you can Take sips
I'll Take you there,
Take my time
Take you clothes off,
I'll Take off mine
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