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-1 TIMOTHY 6:11 and PSALM 51:10

About Me

About me. Well first and most important, I just want to give thanks to my dearly loved, Lord and savior, "Jesus Christ" for giving me another chance to live and be able to even write what I am writing. I will never claim to be of this world, but I will say "I am of Christ." I write to you as a brother in the Lord and not as a saint, I am just as sinful as the next person, but it is because of God and His never ending love and sending His Son Jesus Christ to be crucified that I might be saved, and because of this, I have the ability and knowledge to write such things. My name is Paul I go to CFNI “Bible College” and I've been a Christian all of my life and that is so important to me( actually it is essential to my very being and makes me who I am) and in this day in age that we live, that is not always easy. Because my personality is based upon what God has made me to be, I believe with all of my heart that there is one person for everyone in the world and that she would be Gods plan for my life and that she would be that one part of me that I would never want to be without. I have felt that this particular part of me is a very big weakness and sometimes a strength, but whatever the situation and circumstance that I am in, I believe God will get me out(or through), and may his will always be done in my life on earth as it is in heaven. ”Amen” "A prayer" ............Lord (my dearly loved Father in heaven and creator of my being) in the name of your son Jesus ( my Savior to my spirit and soul) hear me as I pray this right now and may the things I write and are thus read make a difference starting with this myspace page, Lord hear my call in this time of need and listen to the words of my heart o Lord - lend your ear to my writings and let not the sayings pass before your eyes- O Lord - my God, why must people be so ignorant? - Lord give them understanding O Lord - my God, why must people be so cold hearted? Lord show them your love O Lord - my God, why must Christians struggle so much with the flesh?- fill us with your Holy Spirit O Lord - my God, why must the end times be so near?- Lord let us reach more souls O Lord give us more time. O Lord - my God, why do good guys finish last? because good things come to those that wait upon the Lord and in his timing all shall come to pass - can a man change the season ? can a man change the tides of the ocean - so how can a man think all power is in his hands. Lord Give us patience and your peace everlasting. O Lord - my God, why do us single Christians feel so lonely sometimes? give us fellowship. O Lord send your Holy Spirit to the house of everyone that needs your guidance- send your love to everyone that has lost a mother or a father, sister or brother, be that to them O lord and hear every desire of all our hearts and lend your ear when we call in the still of night- O Lord when we are reading our Bibles -give us a new understanding, so that what is read is comprehended and not just thrown away in the space in our mind where we at one point played the song bull frogs and butter flies. Lord save us from our flesh and the deceptions of our minds!!! the ones that make this request be filled with His Holy Spirit - Lord if I spit on a deaf mans ear let him hear it, if I spit in his eyes let him see and know why, Lord be my light in the darkened night sky and fill your children full of life in these end times, In the name of Jesus I pray, ”Amen” Lord right now Father, I pray that you protect the woman you have for me -send a thousand angels to her side to protect her from the evil man at night - rest her beautiful head on your side - hold her close when she strides through this life - protect her body from all pain and hurt, let it be that all I am and us being as one on this earth, she will always know her worth. "Amen"------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ PS. Thank you my dear Jesus for my life I get to live in so many wonderful days------ thank you for giving me a mouth so I can give you praise----------- thank you for my hands that I ever so often want to raise----------- thank you for my ears so that I can hear so many different instruments played--------- thank you for every thing else that I have forgotten to say, in the name of Jesus I pray"Amen" cEP5klHicPrMhOSxsxA7VLWZcVXCOXjWa

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My Interests

My interests are not carnal, but are to be set apart for Jesus Christ, and the kingdom of heaven. I am Not of this world, there for I shall not conform to the worlds ways, even thou I was born into sin and began this life as a ignorant heathen, I am now born again in spirit and in truth, I do not have interests in what I can do for myself, for I am a new creation in Christ, I have put away my earthly things. What interests the Father in heaven are my interests hear on earth.

I'd like to meet:

"Read John 5:38- 47" --------I'd like to meet: real christians who say "Jesus is risen" and is not just another good prophet that had good teaching's and actually believe and profess that he died for their sins and is now risen from the dead and has given us everlasting life" amen?????????????. I would like to meet people who do not serve the devil, who want to save this lost world, who are not hungry for money, but for God and his will, who actually read their bible, who are not ashamed of Jesus but proud to be called a son or daughter of God, who hunger and thirst for righteousness and a out poring of the Holy Spirit. So I Just want to meet people that are real christians and want God's everlasting love to fill this crazy world. and if you do not know him "I pray that you will."


jazz, some oldies - frank senatra, smooth jazz, CHRISTIAN reggae,CHRISTIAN hip hop, relient k, praise and worship, Kari JobE, CFNI WORSHIP. THE LIST GOES ON.




waist of valuable brain cells.loL


THE BIBLE. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but from every word that is spoken from the mouth of God."



My Blog

(Written by: Paul R.) "Valentines day poem"

My dear valentine; O but to have my dear valentine To see her To have her be mine, The words I would speak - would be truth and never a lie. O my dear valentine Beautiful looks be upon me with ...
Posted by Paul on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 08:03:00 PST

Im a Holy Spirit inspired ball of fire from a inextinguishable heavenly Father.

I'm a Holy Spirit - inspired ball of fire, from a inextinguishable - heavenly Father. It is not my will to be done on this earth. God and his desires are defining my worth. Its not worthless to be...
Posted by Paul on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:30:00 PST

I love writing poetry.

My love, with the night at its end morning arises within my view. I watch the seconds tick bye the sun begins to shine melting away the dew. I would love to look in your eyes As the sun rises to ...
Posted by Paul on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 01:08:00 PST

A Poem, To the One that gave me life. "Lord I love you"

Lord; Sometimes my soul feels- like a river on a cold winter day at times worn out like a tempest at bay. How my soul is weathered within me. My thoughts are composed as leaves falling in the spri...
Posted by Paul on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:20:00 PST


I feel and see girls hearts being stolen and lost all-around me hearts tossed and trampled uponwords eloquently written in letter form torn apart by that man, they would've loved to adorn. Many...
Posted by Paul on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:38:00 PST

This is one of my favorite poems.

My love Your eyes should be amongst the stars glistening as true beauty forever in the midnight sky Is that your shadow that I see by my side? Is that your voice I hear in the night echoing in the...
Posted by Paul on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 01:51:00 PST

Putting Myself In A Poor Mans Shoes.

  I am that poor man that you laugh at on the side of the road The one that you would squish with your words like stepping on a toad. I live in complete frustration because I have lost everyt...
Posted by Paul on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:47:00 PST

The reality of it!

The reality of it, Is this, Are you worth it, Or do you see yourselves as worthless? Because God is worthy of your praise Will your hands be raised or will you die in a ugly grave enslaved in a tomb...
Posted by Paul on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 07:54:00 PST

Wanting a woman like this: >>>

I want a woman & Who loves God with all her heart who loves Jesus with her whole entire being, loves to be transformed daily with the renewing of her mind and would lay her life down so that her fr...
Posted by Paul on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 12:09:00 PST

Umm, just thinking

I think its funny how so many people are supporting "Playboy bunnies"supporting a world of seductress hunnies its like they all think they are so unique like they're on some sinful pilgrims progressbu...
Posted by Paul on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 05:23:00 PST