Darren profile picture


Tastes Like Chicken

About Me

..Born and raised in Niagara Falls NY and then moved to NYCleveland Ohio about 10 years ago. If you're a regular downtown you may know me from Wish Nightclub. Up until a few months ago I owned and managed the club. It was a lot of fun, but a lot of headache as well. Anyway, on to bigger and better things.The next chapter of my life is going to involve a lot of spontaneous craziness. You're probably thinking that owning a club would already qualify me for that position, but it wasn't as glamerous as it may seem. Since Feb 06 I've been working for IBM as a business consultant. Not as exciting as running a club, but half the stress and it's a pretty decent living. I've already traveled over 150,000 miles and have spent the weekends exploring the country's best cities. My mission for the remaining months of 2006 is to find my new home. Pick a city...any city.More about me...I'm a very laid back person. I like to have fun and enjoy trying new things. My life has been hecktic the last few years, so I'm trying to simplify and weed out unnecessary stress. I'm an honest and genuine person and I'm looking for the same qualities in other people. It's going to be a fun ride....hope to see you along the way!..

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My Interests

Tits and Beer! (in general) :)

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet some good people that like to have fun. Darren's Custom Friends List Darren has 69 Friend's Average Joe


Krazy KC

Heather HOT Teacher

Lauren w/the Best Big Ones

Kara w/the Best Little Ones

Kelly the Devil


Aaron i Pissed my Pants!

Rosie Palms

Wonder Woman

Vin ah Roony

Jenny Lynn

Emily Blue Hair


Miss Di

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Foo Fighters, U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Killers, Beasty Boys, etc.
foo fighters - all my life
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I generally go for the comedies. Meet the Parents.


E!, MTV, Sopranos, Seinfeld.




My parents who have stuck by me through it all.