Karaoke, looking for a better job, Bad 80's music in especially in compilations, buying odd records in the hope that they might one day be useful to me, histrionics. cup cakes
the new kids on the block, the costume designer from Tron, people with trench foot, maybe a leper, orthopeadic shoe makers,.. width="425" height="350" ..
HOusecat records ltd, midnight juggernaughts, shit disco, CRUNK, The Presets, Kenny Loggins, Pat Benetar,max tundra, vitalic, the knife, clor, most things that go bleep, snoop dogg, hungry for hits (who isnt), princess superstar, death from above 1979, the knack, billy ocean, the weather girls, lil' jon{color: RED! important; filter:glow(color= GREEN, strength=2); height:1; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic;}
Footloose, Ikiru, The Goonies, Tron, the secretary, bill and ted, the indiana jones trilogy, the elephant man, bugsy malone,hidden fortress, hoxton honeys, russian institute lesson 2, essentially any films owned or purchased by emma amato, films with fire worms
i'm trying to go cold turkey in an effort to achieve something more than a bottom with extra girth this year, so no more sweet sweet neighbours or the laugh a minute reality show 'coach trip' for me
dice man, the big book for the toilet that magic joe gave to me
kenny loggins, for making a career out of mediocrity