Sara profile picture


Losers make excuses...Winners make it happen

About Me

Grew up in the rainy state of Washington but came down to Cali to go to school at UCLA. Moved down to San Diego recently to get away from the craziness that is LA and am lovin' it so far. Lookin' forward to some good things to happen in 2007... just not sure what they are yet. stripes layout @ HOT

My Interests

Sports, books, movies, learning new things. Beach time, people watching, drinking, being lazy, beach volleyball, football, men, dive bars, love, pool...

I'd like to meet:

Old friends, new friends... Anyone who can enrich my life for the better.


Diggin' Corinne Bailey Rae right now.. John Legend is hot too. And how about Lupe Fiasco. Country is usually playin in my car but when I'm chillin' at the crib or getting ready to get crazy it's all hip hop! Love the underground stuff and anything with a hot beat and all time fav is DMX (dont clown!!)


Favorite movie ever is Love Jones. Also love Bad Boys, Gone in 60 Seconds, and Swordfish


It's basketball season so I usually have a game on (unless my roomie is home and then it's usually Reba or anything MTV) I'm hooked on Grey's Anatomy and 24 right now!! I so miss having all the music video channels.. I could sit in front of the tv watchin that all day long!


Too many to name...

My Blog

What Does Your Middle Name Mean? It's True!

 BODY:C - Your Wild & CrazyO - You Love ForeplayR - You are VERY hot & sexy!I - Love is something you deeply believe in.N - Have a big warm heartN - Still have a big warm heartE - Your lo...
Posted by Sara on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 12:16:00 PST

Lets See Who Pays Attention

Lets See Who Pays Attention Body: Lets See Who Pays AttentionI only have friends on here that I know in person or that I find interesting in one way or another.I am not a picture collector. If you rec...
Posted by Sara on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:16:00 PST