BaSkEtBaLL wItH A ToN oF sTyLe n A tRuCk LoAd oF aTTiTuDe....
People who likes, loves or appreciate basketball. People who r not despo, geeks, nerds n have no attitude. But not over-bearing. People who are sure their brains are not BER-DANG-DANGS...wOmEn wHo LoVe bAnGiN' eVeRyWheRe...
pUnK'd....RnB....RAP....hIt mE wItH sOmE sOuL buD......
AnYtHiNg Is fInE...wE cOuNld bLoW EaCh OtHeR In ThErE...wHo'LL cArE iF It "RoCk" 5th MoViE...iF hE cAn eVeN mAkE e 3rd...........wAiT....dId hE aCt In A mOvIe b4????
Financial Accounting, Hospitality Sales, Hotel Security, Law And Property Management, Front Office Operations, Tourism Industry, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Human Resource Managment... eNuFF?