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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Interests

babies, metal, photography, making videos, reading, hanging out, terrible myspace songs, random things, cooking, problem solving.

I'd like to meet:

Someone that will build me a sit-n-spin.

My very own Tuxedo Mask.
And good peoples =]


I like Metal because it makes me want to punch people in the face.
I can stand most music except country and most of the crap on the radio.
I also like songs that mean something.


Any and all that are awesome.


Things like Sea Lab, Doug, South Park, Nip Tuck, and 2938479 others.


The alphabet of manliness.
I hope they serve beer in hell.


My Blog

its gud.

being away from nashville has been good for me.i've come to the conclusion i'm not going to hold resentments or grudges anymore. i've pretty much let go a long time ago, but sometimes hatred creeps ba...
Posted by emilia on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:47:00 PST

hey europe, im inside you right now. [update]

hey europe, i'm back. i don't know what day it is. or what time it is. i think i'm about 8 hours ahead of U.S. time, well at least TN time. i believe i'm in italy. the flight to rome was terrible. i h...
Posted by emilia on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:42:00 PST

about me.

WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET. That's the worse lie ever. Never have words been formed into such a meaningless, vacuous sentence. SEEING IS BELIEVING. There's another. But it's not as bad and misleadi...
Posted by emilia on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:22:00 PST


Associations are often made too easily. Here and there, this and that, they slip together without question, without the observer trying to realize what’s going on. It’s way too easy to acc...
Posted by emilia on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 06:08:00 PST

time to live.

History is more important than the future because it's already happened. What has been affects our lives everyday, what will be merely will be. Bullshit. The future is more important than the past...
Posted by emilia on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:29:00 PST


Lost. Loss. Losing. Odd words for an even odder situation. A human foible, perhaps the idea that mislaying or yielding something....a possession, a memory, a way....is a bad thing, a lessening of the ...
Posted by emilia on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 05:13:00 PST

best weekend ever =]

so, my weekend pretty much started on thursday night. went to jessi's, played rock band, got hella drunk.apparently i suck at making margaritas. and totally suck at rock band. but......i said probably...
Posted by emilia on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 06:11:00 PST

laid to rest.

last night, i had a dream that my teeth fell out. "Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerl...
Posted by emilia on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 02:01:00 PST


the youth of america is a shame.it's funny to see how everyone claims to be in love, when no one really knows what love is.it's funny how people are all OMG I LOVE HIM/HER AND I PUT THEIR PICTURES ALL...
Posted by emilia on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:15:00 PST

sup bitch.

i have turned bitter, spiteful, vengeful, hateful, ect to select members of the human race whom happen to annoy the fuck out of me.i am not biased, and i have my validations for contempt.so, don't kno...
Posted by emilia on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:50:00 PST