"Just cause you don't understand what's going on ...don't mean it don't make no sense And just cause you don't like it,...don't mean it aint no good
And let me tell you something
Before you go taking a walk in my world, better take a look at the real world Cause this aint no Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Can you say "feel like shit?" Yea maybe sometimes I do feel like shit I aint happy about it, but I'd rather feel like shit ...than be full of shit! And if I offended you, Oh I'm sorry But, maybe you needed to be offended But here's my apology and one more thing...Fuck you! Cause you can't bring me down -Suicidal TendenciesI am Ricky aka Chicky Momo,Chicky Glitterz,Ricky Sparkles, or just plain ole Momo...hello.
I work at Cats music in Dickson,TN. I love beer,Thrash metal,Black Metal,Grind,Hip Hop,Foreign Films,Video Games,and Reading anything that is good,informative and entertaining at the same time.I'm a calm guy but if you happen to hit one of my VERY few hot buttons...Run for the hills.
I'm Straight Gangsta
I am a fan of getting random..yet hilarious tattoos.Did i already say i love beer...well i do.
I'm a big fan of Stand up of the best i have ever seen is Mitch Hedberg (R.I.P) he was way before his time.
I'm shy at first but i am just watching to see how you are.. I like pretty much anyone and can look past the annoyances to see the person they are...but if you hear that i don't like's probably because your a shitty person.
i dont give a shit if you like me or not.
If you ever want to find me...just look in the nearest circle pit.i'll be the guy circle pitting like it's still 1984