traveling. singing. shoes. going to broadway shows. cooking just for fun. attempting to speak russian. hiking. the ocean. coffee. california. dr dyer's 8th grade english class. baryshnikov. delicious cuisine from all over the world. spending quality time with quality people. driving with no particular destination. boats. the sun. cardigan welsh corgis. tio pepe's. disney world. samwise gamgee. the boston red sox. in n out burger. sitting in the uncomfortable seats in the sweltering heat at fenway park. boston. the metropolitan opera. watching the sun set. nighttime thunderstorms in the summer. peonies. alaska. massages. conversing auf deutsch. the movie 'out of africa.' cotton blossom lotion. love. my family and dear friends. cape cod. the beach. laughing. dancing. mike carroll jr. interior decorating. helping people in need. exploring. tubing on the lake. italian wine and cheese. discovering new music. reading. long conversations that last into the wee hours of the morning. politics. the arts. bad hersfeld. bannoffee pie. hip hop class. fabulous music hits from the 80s. cortona. jhf. photographs that take your breath away. calla lillies.
friends. people who are fantastically witty, interesting, intriguing and challenging.
dave matthews band. alana davis. mahler. brahms. billy joel. elton john. chicago. tracey chapman. 80s hits. verdi. harry connick jr. bob marley. phish. simon and garfunkel. carly simon. the beatles. james taylor. metallica. soulive. bela fleck. indigo girls. ben folds. rusted root. sting. u2. really, the list is far too long to continue....
out of africa. white nights. lady hawk. lotr. the birdcage. brokeback mountain. grease 2 (so bad and yet so good). the sound of music. west side story. chorus line. finding nemo. lady and the tramp. cinderella (original disney version). the usual suspects. borat. wedding crashers. i have so many favorites...
the office (wow, can we talk about the fact that i have SUCH a big crush on john krasinski?!). grey's anatomy. anything on the travel channel. anything on hgtv.
anna karenina. the great gatsby. animal farm. good in bed. to kill a mockingbird. and then there were none.
george s womer. curt shilling. christopher and dana reeve. princess di. baryshnikov. j henry fair. idina menzel. phil mickelson. scott hamilton. jake heggie. thomas hampson.