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A 155 Question MySpace Survey...With Good Grammar!
~*The Basics*~
Your full name:: Brittney Modesta McClary
--What does it mean?:: not really sure...i know my middle name means "modest" in italian
Your birthday:: May 30
Height:: 5'4"
Eye colour:: Blueish/grey
--Do you like it?:: u bet i do!
Natural hair colour:: medium brown
--Do you like it?::'s cool
Gender:: Female
Religion:: Catholic
--Have you ever changed religions?:: nope
--Would you consider it?:: nope
Race:: wait what? white?
Heritage:: um...i'm european....hahaha
--Do you like your heritage?:: HELL YES I DO!
Where do you live?:: USA
Have you ever moved cities or countries?:: nope
Your job:: student
--Do you enjoy it?:: yep!
Movie:: i dont know...many
TV show:: um...Last Comic Standing
TV character:: i dont know
Movie character:: again..i dont know
Book:: hmmm not really reading at the moment
Literary character:: nope
Author:: nope
Band:: dude this is hard...
Song:: the kind u listen to!
Type of music:: anything but not country
Instrument:: VOICE!
Cereal:: i dont eat cereal.....
Fast food place:: dont really eat fast food very often
Dessert:: o italian gelatti!
City:: Stressa!
Place to travel:: Europe!
Airline:: Singapore Airlines......holy crap it was amazing
Shampoo/conditioner:: garnier fructis
Lotion:: um..the kind that smells good?
Subject in school:: Music
Teacher:: Music professors
Province:: what?
State (if you're American):: WA
Football team:: none
Hockey team:: none
Athlete:: none
Sport to play:: swimming
Sport to watch:: soccer!
Fruit:: raspberrys
Vegetable:: i dont know....
Snack:: oooo apples!
Meal:: italian food!
Restaurant:: my house!
Grocery store:: Fred Meyer!! they have clam tickets!!!!!! oh brandy i'm addicted
~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date?:: nope..but it seems interesting
Flown in an airplane?:: yup
Thrown up on an airplane?:: nope
Peed in the shower?:: hahahahahahaha...that's funny
Peed your pants after you hit double digits?:: no
Enjoyed Shakespeare?:: yes
Been to the opera?:: YES and i loved it!
Been to the theatre?:: Yep!
Streaked?:: no...but almost...oh god party........
Seen a streaker?:: no
Been mooned?:: was hillarious
Mooned someone?:: yep
Flipped someone off?:: yep
Been in a fist fight?:: yea...with bobby...and i won!
Been drunk?:: yes...klet me tell u....many many funny stories
Had alcohol poisoning?:: nope
Been walked in on while you're naked?:: yes....scary scary situation
Slept in a snowbank?:: nope
Made a snow angel?:: hella!
Lost any teeth?:: everyone does when they're little!
Been in the hospital?:: um...oh yea!
Been in a major accident?:: nope
Burnt yourself?:: yes....quite a few times....haha
Passed out?:: yep...once
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?:: yes...on the sanish channel and then in in frnech/ italian
Prank called 911?:: nope
Made fun of emos?:: hmmm not that i know of
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?:: nope
Cheated on a test?:: yep..but everyone's done it at least once in their life!
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: nope
Lied to get out of trouble?:: hell yes......
Started a fire?:: he fireplace
Roasted a marshmallow?:: yea....oh camping...i wanna go again!
Set a marshmallow on fire?:: yes!!! it was hillarious!
--How many times?:: quite a few times
Wanted to drop out of school?:: nope
--Did you?:: nope
Are you single or dating?:: single right now
If you like anyone?:: yes
--If so, who?:: like i'd really tell u that...
--Why?:: because then it would ruin the whole lovely secret!
--Do you have a chance with them?::'d be freakin awesome!
If taken...who?:: nope
--How long?:: nope
--Are you happy?:: hmmmm
Last 4 digits of your phone number:: 6771
Your house number:: 5613
Why are you taking this survey?:: because i'm bored...
What school do you go to?:: Luther College
--Do you like it?:: i dont know...havent started classes yet
Your school colours?:: blue and silver
Your school teams' name?:: Norsemen!
Ever been on a sports team?:: yep
--If yes, what was the name of it?:: Curtis Vikings
--Did you enjoy it?:: yes, yes i did
What do you want to be when you grow up?:: a musician
--Why?:: i love to perform and spread music everywhere and share it with whoever wants to listen and who appreciates it!
Any plans for the near future?::, maybe go record some stuff, go back to Europe and finally visit the UK
What are your views on capital punishment?:: nm
--Nuclear weapons?:: nm
--Euthanasia?:: nm
--The Canadian government?:: nm
--The American government?:: nm
--The European Union?:: nm
--The UN?:: nm
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?::
What was your favourite grade of elementary school?:: 2nd grade
--Why?:: i loved the teacher...she was so much fun!
What are you wearing right now?:: nothing!! jk.....tank top and shorts
--Any particular reason why?:: because they're comfy!
What was the last thing you ate?:: nothing.....water
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?:: sky blue
How are you feeling today?:: tired, but energetic
How many keys are on your keychain?:: 5
--What are they for?:: i dont know...all i know is my house key and car key
What does the room you're in look like?:: it'sgot pale pink walls, a futon, dresser, bookshelf, desk, stereo,a dn's pretty small, but u can fit a few people in there for sleepover fun!
--Do you like the room?:: yea i do....
Do you own an iPod?:: nope
--If yes, what kind?:: none
Do you wear glasses or contacts?:: both!
What's your view on laser eye surgery?:: i dont know....looks pretty simple
--Would you ever consider it?:: yea...if i ahd the money!
Weirdest thing about your parents:: nothing......
What did you do this weekend?:: i was in Europe....then i came home on monday night!
--Was it enjoyable?:: oh yes....a month in europe is something u will never forget
What's your greatest fear?:: spiders, and being stabbed/shot
Your greatest strength?:: i'm a good listener....if someone needs to talk/vent, i'm always there to lend an ear/opinion if they need it!
What country do you fear the most:: i dont know
Have you ever been in a third-world country?:: nope
--Would you ever want to live in one?:: nope
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?:: Sin Sin Sin by Robbie Williams!
Will poverty ever end?:: maybe
--Why or why not?:: i dont know
Will we destroy our own planet?:: i haev no clue
--How?: i dont know!
Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?:: i think good......
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soooo many different genres...I dont really have a favorite.
Comedies, horror, chick flicks...anything like that
hmmmm...yea not so much
This is what makes me happy........
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Queen Brandy Lindsey....(inside joke)