Live music- the Cain's should have season passes, tennis, running, hanging with my family and friends
I listen to EVERYTHING! (except rap) 80's/New Wave. I like way too many bands to start listing. classic country, 70's am radio & The Killers are my fave's. Thanks to Jo I have a soft spot for Duran Duran. When no one is around i listen to "Circuit Candy" on i-tunes radio. Cole Porter was a genius!
Anything with Parker Posey. Auntie Mame, Donnie Darko, Dazed & Confused, anything by Pixar
Grey's Anatomy,CSI, Antique's Roadshow, Weeds, L Word
All of F. Scott Fitzgeralds work, Anne Rice back in the day. Now I just read Vanity Fair and OUT, no time for books
Tom Ford, my dad of course, Andy Warhol. more to come as i think of them