Body Oil and spandex, twister, STARWARS(nude), poopin, fartin, NASCAR, CRAWDADS, My crawdad sir Nugget, and also crow, he's cool too. Dominicks, Funyuns, campin', fishin', the wilderness, rain, thunderstorms, vidja games, Fez hats, french bread, stormtroopers, Halo 2, Master chief, the Arbiter, Beam swords, Making Wookiee noises, the BRAIN SCRAMBLER, Ramen Noodles, Bass Man's ghost, Lombard, Peeps, baby underbite, (prev. 3 are geese), Dean cottage cheese, my red checkerboard flannel, Glenbard West Theatre, spotlights, and Prawns.
Here's My interest, MILEENA, because one day we shall be wed and i will feed her sub sandwiches all night long on our honeymoon and watch her devour them with her GIANT TEETH hahahaha!
The Orbit Gum Lady
Conan O'Brien
RANDY (John Locke)
Master Chief
Robyn Taylor
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You are Colette!
Which Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaAww crap, i'm a girl. Collette's cool, I guess... I'd rather be Kratos or Sheena or Mithos! the HERO! aooh lordy.
Which Mortal Kombat warrior are you?
Special Moves: Flying Thunderbolt (JERRYMCGUIRE): Away, Away, Towards
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Mortal Kombat MOVIE TIME!
Deception (the best intro ever)
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Shaolin Monks
Moskau, by Dschingis Khan
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MTV Movie Awards STAR WARS
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MTV Movie awards BATMAN
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STAR WARS!, MORTAL KOMBAT!!! And gronkiewicz goes to the moon. Apollo 666, biker vixens from hell: UNLEASHED, Cannibal stewardess sorority babes II & III, The Don Grant Story on Lifetime network, Sin City, The Matrix, Austin Powers series. YOUR BROTHER'S SOUL IS MINE!
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AZN FURY: The Yellow Ranger Lifetime story
Yellow Ranger
You are the Yellow Ranger, you are Trini. Your weapons are the power daggers, you are Sabertooth Tiger.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
The Novellization of MORTAL KOMBAT: the movie
How Long You've Been Playing Mortal Kombat? Roughly Six months
When Did Mortal Kombat:Conquest television series premire? Some time in 1995 or 1998
Who's Ur Favorite Character In MK? RAIDEN!
When Did Ermac First Appear? MK I as a glitch, he officially appeared in MK Ultimate
When Did Sindel First Appear? MK III
How Big A Fan Of MK Are You? Let's just say that I went to a school dance dressed as Raiden
How Many Times Johnnie Cage Have Died In The Games? Twice (Once after MK II and once while fighting the Deadly Alliance and the Tarkatan Hordes)
What You Think About MK:Armageddon? BEASTTTT! AIR COMBOS, and I can finally fight STRYKER AGAINST KINTARO!
Are You Excited It's Going To Have 60 Playable Fighters? YES MA'AM
Who's Hotter? Kitana Or Nitara? Probably Mileena
Who's Hotter? Johnny Cage Or Mokap? MOKAP for sure, i just love his balls
Why Didn't Dairou Appear In MKDA? Because there was no concept of seido yet, therefore he would be wildly out of place
Do You Hope Khameleon Returns In MKA? NO, Khameleon is too hard to see.
Do You Like Kai's New Look? Kai is trying too hard to look like Lionel Richie...
Who Are The Two Most Original Females In MK? Mileena and Ashrah
Who Are The Two Most Original Male Characters In MK? Scorpion and Goro
Who's The Most Overated Character? Smoke
Who's The Most Underated? Kano
How Many Times They Changed Raiden's Name? once (Rayden to Raiden)
Do You Like Shinnok? Shinnok is a n00b
Do You Like Onaga? Onaga's a cheap-ass
Who You Gonna Play As In MKA? Liu Kang, Sonya, Kano, Johnny Cage, Jax, Stryker, and Kai (all of Jack's fav's)
Do You Like Reptile? Yes sir (tight buns)
Do You Think Stryker Is The Most Horrible Character? No, Darrius Suxx Ballz more than any ballsucker in history.
Are You Obessed With MK? I have the theme songs for the seven original characters on a CD along with Liu Kang vs. Reptile, Sub-Zero vs. Somke, and the MORTAL KOMBAT techno AND its remix
Do You Have All The Games? I have I, II, III, Trilogy, IV, Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Shaolin Monks.
Do You Like How, Unlike Many Other Fighting Games, MK Focuses On The Story Alot? Yes, that's what makes it better, its memorable and you get more in touch with the characters
Do You Like Hsu Hao? One o his fighting syles is just "Wrestling" WTF!
Who Do You Think Is Going To Survive MK:Armageddon? Scorp, Subby, Raiden, Noob Saibot, and Sheeva beacuse she looks like a Troll doll
What Advice Will You Give Ed Boon About MK in General? The fighting system needs some sort of re-vampage, and the blood needs to look less like clay
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Master Yoda, Popeye, Chewbacca, Nugg, Darth Vader, Master Chief, Peter, Peter's giant red air horn, Drew, your mom, and the immigrant guys at the DMV, kittie.. ..