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About Me

As you all may know my name is Carmen Electra. My real name is Tara Leigh Patrick.Just a very interesting thing you oughtta know.I got My name Carmen Electra because "Prince" told me that i looked like a Carmen and Electra for my last name after a Goddess. I will make one thing clear that i do NOT like people posing as me. It gets back to me and i find out, so i am making my own site.I was born on april 20th 1972 baby!! Born in Sharonsville, Ohio, i am part Irish, German, and Cherokee. I Attended Princeton High School in the Cincinnati suburb of Sharonville (class of 1990). I am the youngest of 5 children in my family. I have a wonderful husband who is the love of my life! I love singing acting and modeling. Yes i have modeled for playboy many many times. I attended the School for Creative and Performing Arts at only 9 years old. I tried out for an all girl rap band. I did not make it, and i dont think its really my thing anyhow. Im just glad with the career i have now and im very proud of my accomplishments :):):) Me, N My gUrLz!!!!!

My Interests

My InTeReStS aRe MoDeLiNg,AcTiNg,SiNgInG,dAnCiNg, AnD aNyThInG tHaT i EnJoY :) babies, bathubs.., blink 182, going out, good charlotte, mest, music, my dogs, punk, shopping


WeLl As YoU aLl KnOw ThAt I hAd A rOlE iN "ScArY mOvIe", i AlSo HaVe My OwN aErObIcS StRiPtEaSe vIdEo :):)