eArTh_aNgEL profile picture


About Me

FaCtz: ..i deFiNiTeLy LoVe gOiNg 2 sHoWz!.. MuZic iZ a BiG pArT oF maH LyF.. ..iM veRy PicKy WiTh eVrYtHiN'.. ..DoNt teLL mE wHat 2 dO wiT' maH LyF.. iTz mHaYn, nOt yOuRzZ..! ..i LuV FaZhiOn..! ..i LuV oL maH fRiEnDz, eZpeCiaLi "THE RAiDeRS!" ..i LuZ inTeReSt QuiCkLy.. ..MiZuNdaHsTooD.. ..oPtiMizTiC.. ..oRaNgE-aHoLiC.. ..DeManDiNg.. ..spLiT peRsOnaLiTy.. ..mY mOoD sWinGz.. ..dAnGeRouZ.. ..mOviE buFF.. ..oPeN-miNdeD.. ..sEaSoNaL.. ..peRfeCtioNizT.. .."ziNgLe buT deFiniTeLy noT LooKiNg".. ..LoVeZ 2 LauGh!.. ..buT, aLzo a cRyBaBy.. ..LoVeZ 2 eaT.. ..TeXt aDdiCt.. ..geeK! buT aLzo a TeaChEr'Z peSt..! ..i wOuLd rAtHeR teXt tHaN caLL.. ..siNgS wHeN nO oNe'S LiZteNiNg.. ..LoVeZ hoRroR moVieZ.. ..miZz FaShioNabLy LaTe.. ..iNsoMniAc yeT LuVz sLeePiNg.. ..maY LooK nuMb buT seNziTiVe.. ..BoYiSh yEt giRLy.. ..sNoB yeT aNnoYiNg.. ..sHy buT ouTgoiNg.. ..giMiKeRa.. ..aPpReCiaTeZ tHiNgs.. ..i haVe a LoT oF WeaKneSseS.. eZpeCiaLLy cRiTiCisMs aNd TuRniNg DoWn PiPoL.. ..i aDmiT i'M a sNoB... pRouD sNoB haha joKe! :P i JaZ doN't taLk 2 PiPoL hU doN't taLk 2 mE.. BuT i'M KiNd oF woRkiN' oN tHaT.. PiPoL r gUd.. ..i CaN bE veRy biTcHy iF i waNt 2.. biTcHy n A riGhT puRpoSe tHouGh.. ..i'D LoatHe u iF u'Re a tWo-FaCeD PerSoN..! wHaT i haTe -- ..i HaTe iT wHeN PiPoL tHiNk tHeY kNoW mE.. ..nOt HaViNg aNy gOOd fOOd iN tHe hOuSe.. ..AwKwaRd siLeNceS.. ..GooDbYeZzZ..! ..BeiNg ConFuZed.. ..WaiTiNg.. ..BeiNg FruZtRaTeD.. ..ReJeCtioN.. ..BeiNg CoLd.. ..BeiNg HoT.. ..PiPoL wHo LaBeL tHeMzeLvez. 'oh im punk rock' 'oh im gothic' THAT'Z RETARDED. CaN YoU NoT Be YoUrSeLF??.. ..TwO-FaCeD PiPoL.. ..HeaDacHes.. ..cRyiNg.. ..BeiNg LoNeLy.. ..cLoZeD MiNdeD PiPoL.. ..LoViNg ZuMoNe kNoWiNg tHeY LuV ZuMone eLzE.. ..HoZpiTaLz.. ..nOt BeiNg abLe 2 FaLL aZLeeP.. ..BeiNg SaD FoR ZuM UnKnoWn RiZoN.. ..miSsiNg ZuMoNe wHo iSN'T woRtH YouR TyM.. ..BeiNg iGnoReD.. ..FaLLiNg 4 a GuY wHo iZ wHaT yOu'Ve oWeiZ waNteD.. tHeN LeaRniNg hE doEzN'T waNt yOu.. ehehe.. iZ taT eNuF oR u waNt mO'??.. weLL, tHatz iT fO' nOw..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

[We belong together] Mariah CareyI didn't mean it When i said i didn't love you so I should have held on tight I never should've let you go I did nothing I was stupid I was foolish I was lying to myself I could not fathom that i would ever Be without your love Never imagined i'd be Sitting here beside myself I didn't know you I didn't know me But i thought i knew everything I never felt The feeling that i'm feeling now Now that i don't Hear your voice Or even touch or even kiss your lips Cause i don't have a choice What i wouldn't give To have you lying by my side We belong together***When you left I lost a part of me It's still so hard to believe Come back baby please We belong together Who else am i gonna lean on When times get rough Who's gonna talk to me Till the sun comes up Who's gonna take your place Baby nobody else We belong togetherI can't sleep at night When you're all on my mind Bobby womack's on the radio Singing to me 'if you think you're lonely now' Wait a minute This is too deep, too deep I gotta change the station So i turn the dial Trying to catch a break And then i hear babyfaceI only think of you And it's breaking my heart I'm trying to keep it together But i'm falling apart I'm feeling all out of my element I'm throwing things Crying Trying to figure out Where the hell i went wrong The pain reflected in this song Ain't even half of what I'm feeling inside I need you Need you back in my life babyrepeat ***2x....................................................... .................................. [Whenever You Call] Mariah CareyLove wandered inside Stronger than you Stronger than I And now that it has begun We cannot turn back We can only turn into oneI won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call And I'll always remember The part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you callAnd I'm truly inspired Finding my soul There in your eyes And you Have opened my heart And lifted me inside By showing me yourself UndisguisedAnd I won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call And I'll always remember That part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you callAnd I will breathe for you each day Comfort you through all the pain Gently kiss your fears away You can turn to me and cry Always understand that I Give you all I am insideAnd I won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you callAnd I won't ever be too far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call And I'll always remember That part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you call........................................................ ............... [Never too Far] Mariah CareyYou're with me Til the bitter end What we had transcends This experience Too painful to Talk about So i'll hold it in Til my heart can mend And be brave enough to love again A place in time Still belongs to us Stays preserved in my mind In the memories there is solaceNever too far away I won't let time erase One bit of yesterday Cause i have learned that Nobody can take your place Though we can never be I'll keep you close to me When i rememberGlittering lights Incandescent eyes Still preserved In my mind In the memories i'll find solaceNever too far away I won't let time erase One bit of yesterday And i have learned that Nobody can take your place Though we can never be I'll keep you close to me And i'll remember A place in time Still belongs to us Stays preserved in my mind In the memories there is solaceNever too far away I won't let time erase One bit of yesterday Cause i have learned that Nobody can take your place And though we can never be I'll always think of you and me Always rememberLoveYou're never too far