Da MoVeMeNt HaS bEgAn NiGgAz....LoS PrOdUcTiVoS profile picture

Da MoVeMeNt HaS bEgAn NiGgAz....LoS PrOdUcTiVoS

LoS ProDuCtiVoS PeRfOrMiNg LiVe @ TrOpIcaLs NiTe CluB cOmE ChEcK uS OuT On MaRcH 30th...HiT dA CeLL

About Me

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My Interests

ChiLLen WiT dA NiggAz, DriNkiN n BeiN ThE LiFe Of ThE PaRtY WheN JoSh AinT ThErE...LoL...ShOuToUtZ To MaH PeOpLeZ....JoSh,CoAch,LeX,StEpH,JuDeStEr,My BiG SiS HeLeN mY LiL bIg NiGGa JoNaThAn,My nEiCeS n NePhEwS n My GoD-DaUgHtEr...cAnT NaMe dEm aLL tHeRes To mAny Of DeM LiL RaScAlz....LoL....DaRiO u BiG hEaDed MoFo...LoL...LoVe aLL yA nIggAz....AnYoNe WhO i FoRgOt KnOwZ DaT EvEryOnE DaT iZ InVolvEd iN mY LiFe HaS a SpeCiaL PlaCe In My HeaRt...OnE


AnYtHinG ThAt DoEsNt WaNnA MaKe U CoMmIT SuiCiDe...LMaO...InSiDe JoKe...LoL


NaPLeOn DyNaMiTe, ScArFaCe, ReMeMbEr ThE TiTaNs, FriDaY NiGhT LigHts, GooDfeLLaz, CaSiNo,


MySeLf, CoAcH, LeX, n JoSh.....MaH NiGgAz....We BeEn ThRu AloT 2gEtHa....Ya My RiDe Or DiE nIgGaZ...LoVe Ya NiGgaZ tO DeatH....I loOk Up To EaCh n EvErY OnE oF yA NiGgaZ EvEn ThO Im OldER...LoL...BuT I AdMiRe aLL oF Ya...Ya EaCh HaVe ImPaCtEd mY LiFe iN yA OwN LiL wAy...Ya MaH DuDeZ FOr LiFe