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About Me

So here is a lil something bout me. Im 26, work two jobs, and i guess love being an asshole. I love money and being able to buy the things i want. I have a beautiful, wonderful, intelligent daughter her name is KAYLA D TURCIOS. I love her to death. i really dont do much i guess you can say im a boring person, well if you do find some1 less boring right lmao, bitch. I consider myself a TRUE person,i dont like to be fake. so i say shit and fagets dont like it so they call me an ASSHOLE, but i love it, i guess i feed of it. Got married last year. NOTHINS changed. I stopped drinking when the crew (Jose, Kiko, Kalvin) disbanded. We all grow up sometime, but i loved it while it was happening. I drown my problems @ work or just listening to musik, i dont like talking bout my feelings so its about time you understood that. I like to cook when im home and when its summer time BAR-B-QUE nigga!!! I like chilling with the niggas Petar, Joeham, Jorge, Lue, Chris Z my right hand man, Kalvin, Malvin, Jose my brother, Frank the giant lol, Kiko, shout outs to my lil nig Cesar, Verse aka Vic love you niggas. I was never a good brother growing up to my two younger sisters but i hope im making it up now cause im trying. Daniela & Gaby i love you, wasnt the best son either but Mom Dad i love you. love to my new growing family Danny (Daniela's man) and my nephew Dylan, my in-laws Antonia & Juan Almonte, bro-in-law Kalvin, sis-in-law Diana. Shout Outs to all these mother fuckers chilling in my house like it was the spot to be in, this isnt 04-07 no more bitch. shout out to the wife dee and the roommate mel I SEE YOU.

My Blog

Biggie Smalls - Juicy
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 17:24:00 GMT