Batman Begins, Last Samari, River runs through it, Rundown, Legends of the falls, Oldboy, Sahara, Sin City, Indiana Jones, Starwars, Harry Potter 1234, Back to the future, nightmare before xmas,Meet the Parents/Meet the fockers,Wedding Crashers, Idlewild, Any jonny depp movies, harrison ford movies, V for vendetta, garden state, goodfellas, x-men 123, lord of the rings, history of violence,Any Given Sunday, Collateral and to much more!!!
Harry potter series, Bruce Cambell If Chins could Kill, Mankind Have a nice day, Clive Clussler, JR Tolkien, Angels and Demons/Da Vinche Code, Alex Garland The Beach, Maximum City Suketu Mehta, Vengance George Jonas, I love to Read!!!!!!!!