cooking, consideration for other species, guitars, horns, basses, drums, recoding equipment, pedals, bongs, zines, punk rock, life and death, hope and hopelessness, you, us. bikes and riding really long distances, esp. when im sad, being in a good mood, helping a friend out, hanging out with my cats, 1919 hemphill...and penguins.
people who get it. Conscientious individuals. musicians. instruments. over friendly cats. elder people who get it and can tell me stories about the human struggle.
if i feel it then i feel it if i dont i dont, if it aint really real than i probably wont-(D3ad Pr3z)
i like documentaries and star wars. also, funny stuff.
is a massive brainwashing campaign, sends out stereotypes, sets bullshit gender roles, is from the riches point of view, makes women look stupid, has bill o riley on it,(which alone should be enough not to watch it), biased media distracting you from truth, "brainwashed cop shit" tv dramas.....and so on and so forth. but i do like the simpsons and the whole adult cartoon genre.
anything worth reading.
what i used to be will pass away and then you'll see all i want now is happiness for you and me benevolence like you never knew or you knew when you were four and cant remember