brothers Shortyone & Somnolence from the Rose sity are in the mist of working out the map and travle of the LOST SOUL SURCLE as well as the product at hand hearing is the only truth at times and seeing is the fault of thoes who judge by what they see the influence of the group was a pass time that we shaired other than chokeing one another out and the insperation of actually doing somthing would be in encouragement of THE REAL BROWN RECLUSE. family by heart the help from Thief and Santotzin played the roll of mentour in my struggle of release as well as brother Shortyone Theief showed me the math of music and where it should be from Santotzin put the pices togather and pushed me towards all of it Shortyone kept writeing as he always did and it was more of a life long battle between me and him to show him up and he show me up as being brothers the conflict will result in some thing guapo for ears and i beleave that thoes who pushed us will not be disapointed...