Jón Tígur profile picture

Jón Tígur

Reality can be hell when you're only visiting.

About Me

Jón Tryggvi is born in 1981, raised and brought to manhood(debatable) in a little town called Hafnarfjörður just outside Reykjvík the capital city of Iceland. Interest for music started early when a little blue eyed fellow with remarkable big ears started playing the Violin.. he lasted about 7 years on that instrument and during that time his ears became in better balance with the size of his head and height.At the crucial, hormone invasion, year of 13 Jón Dropped his Violin for a Black painted state of the art Encore electric guitar and thus begun the exploration of blues and folk music.That expedition was put on hold in the age of 13 2/3 when Jón Tryggvi met Alcohol.. Some where in that Purple Haze Jón started to put down lyrics that all took on the delicate means of Love and agony that he felt he had encountered..12 years later Jón woke up, finding himself quite useless, decides to hang him self but just in time he slips on a beer puddle hitting his fingers, in a miraculous way, on his mobile phone and accidentally calls SÁÁ which is a treatment and rehabilitation center for alcoholics.to make a long story short Jón Has started to remember his lyrics. They drift from being quite dramatic to hopeful pieces of poetry that he lays down to a beat and string. (see! poetic)jón has applied and is still mastering the rule number 66 but that goes: Don't take your self so fucking seriously...One of his new songs "Tibet Hope" was written a couple of days from when this is written and handles the question on freedom. Jón Tryggvi Urges all who have access to Freedom of speech to take time to look up the cause of the Tibetan people and if they find in their hearts to use that freedom for those who have been robbed human rights and freedom of speech to speak up with every possible means and let the government of China Know that the world is watching!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!FREE TIBET!!
Myspace Banner Generator::::RECORD OF CHINESE ATROCITIES IN TIBET:::: 1.2 million Tibetans died as a direct result of Chinese atrocities.Over 6000 monasteries and institutes of learning have been destroyed.Precious Tibetan artifacts were vandalized and sold in Hong Kong markets.Over 6000 Tibetan religious and historical literature have been destroyed.Tibetans in Tibet are second class citizen without basic Human Rights, such as Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Religion, Right to Education, etc.Tibetan women are subjected to forced abortion and sterilization.Tibetan Children are denied their right to education.70% of Tibetans living in Tibet now are illiterate.Arbitrary arrests, torture, intimidation and imprisonment without trial are the order of the day for Tibetans in their country.Tibet has been divided into different parts and incorporated with Chinese provinces, thereby removing the existing Tibetan identity.Thousands of Tibetans are still in prisons in China. Tibet’s natural resources and fragile ecology are irreversibly destroyed.6 Million Tibetans have been outnumbered by 7.5 Million Chinese inducted into Tibet causing demographic disadvantage to Tibetans in their own country.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/8/2005
Influences: Nick Drake, Elliot Smith, Leonard Cohen, AIR, Behavior, U2, Thomas Dybdahl, Damien Rice, Anthony & the johnsons, Belle & Sebastian, Jack Johnson, Neil Young, Chris Isaac,Dire Straits, José González, Nick Cave, Ryan Adams, Nina Simone, Jean Michelle Jarre, Coldplay, Chemical Brothers, Carla Bruni, Buena Vista Social Club, Bob Dylan, Ben Harper, Will Oldham and many many more...
Sounds Like: Something in the making...
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Ákall um frið í Tíbet

Frá vini mínum Tsewang til íslensku þjóðarinnar... Mig langar til að minna á að orð forseta Evrópska þingsins Hans Gert Pottering, sem hvatti íþróttamenn til að sýna sannan íþróttaanda með því að an...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 06:07:00 PST

China is planning a sweeping

China is planning a sweeping purge of Tibetan monasteries, including banning all worship at those deemed to be major centres of subversion.   By Richard Spencer in Beijing Last Updat...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 07:45:00 PST

Taste of fear..

The taste of fear lay bitter on his tounge He couldn't be, couldn't stay young Songs composed but never sung He kicked the chair and then he hung He kicked the chair and then he hung .. .. It doe...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 07:18:00 PST

So this is life...?

As usuall it's been a while since my last post. A lot is going on right now. I'm looking for a job now and not finding one... The ensurance company is playing games and asking questions that give me t...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 08:36:00 PST

Road of silk...

The road Is said made of silkIt has crept it's way for agesBut Forged by blood and sacrificeit's spirits caught in cagesThe forgers talk of unity That they have put on stagesforged with steel and soli...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:19:00 PST

Hvað á svo að gera kl 13 á laugard...

Laugardaginn 26. apríl klukkan 13:00 verður haldinn fundur fyrir utan kínverska sendiráðið að Víðmel 29. Fundurinn er til að minna kínversk yfirvöld að heimurinn fylgist grannt með ástandinu í Tíbet s...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 07:30:00 PST


Kaldur er andvarinn Í dimmum janúar. Þá vitjar mín dauðinn Og krefur mig um svar Fyrir syndir manna Og hatur í eigin garð Hví þeir trú banna Og skilja löndin að Mér fallast hendur Ég á engin orð Ég sk...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:50:00 PST


Allir að kíkja í moggan.. var víst að fá birta greinina um Tíbet :D
Posted by Jón Tígur on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:38:00 PST

The greatest experience ever!

I played at a memorial concert yesterday night honoring the late, Bergþóra Árnadóttir. It was held in this beautiful church here in Rykjavík.A great honor for me for the lineup was with some of the be...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:34:00 PST

Fylgir frelsi ábyrgð? (grein send til mbl og fréttablaðsinns)

Til íslensku þjóðarinnar og handhafa málfrelsis alment.Ég hlusta mikið á BBC og þegar fregnir fóru að berast af mótmælum í Tíbet og hvernig kínversk yfirvöld voru að bregðast við fór ég á netið til sj...
Posted by Jón Tígur on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:54:00 PST