thrift stores. backpacking. tourists. shoes. drumbeats. freedom. anti-facism. bright lights. late night coffee conversations. marinenology. open mouthed laughter. uncontrolled excitement. amicable silences. fat bumbling hamsters. children's books. the uninvented color. photographs. random thoughts. direct replies. poetry. train tunnels. bodyparts. lonely wanderings. indefinity. scribbles. the liqourice skeleton man.
the cat with the sunset in his eyes.
neo soul. traditional earth sounds. pulsations of drumbeats. mostly eclectic. a good mix is always good.
the green mile. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. J.A.C.K. crazy/beautiful. the shawshank redemption. the cider house rules. angela's ashes. the nightmare before christmas.
weetzie bat books. echo. wasteland. tithe. the time traveller's wife. harry potter series. the melancholy death of oyster boy. the complete adventures of charlie and mr. willy wonka. if you come softly. bridget jones (sequel included). the bonesetter's daughter. angela's ashes. white oleander.
the strong women who work hard for their independence.