I.H.O.S. profile picture


International House Of Sausage

About Me

If you've partied in 2003, then youve been to the I.H.O.S.. Known as the greatest party spot where girls love to cum. The I.H.O.S. was discovered in the late summer of 2002 by Johnathon Puts while glancing upon a "for rent" add in the Mercury News. Couple days later, recent Penn State gradute Hasan Jackson flew into town and quickly met up with Puts, and Fire Fighter Nick Ferraro at the Mansion. They promptly collaborated with Rami "the don" Naderi, Marvin Granados, Jacob Magdaleno and Schlong Snake and so began the illustrious legend of the I.H.O.S.. At the I.H.O.S. countless memories and stories were created. Here are a few - Nick "blue eyes" Ferraro smoothly transformed into "the Tank" - Jd "lower your bass" magdaleno - The I.H.O.S. was the sole reason for californias power crisis of 2003 - The only party that had cars parked on the bottom of the hill and went all the way to the top of the hill. - Nick "tank" Ferraro loved to have sex on Rami's bed even though his bed was a few inches away. - Marvin Granados found a way to wear one pair of boxers for a whole summer without washing them. - Marvin Granados also found a way to keep a girlfriend, even though the two of them would sleep on his bed sheets that had never been washed dating back to his previous two girlfriends. ( do the math; thats a lot of stains) - Hasan Jackson found a way to move out of the I.H.O.S. to phili, then within in the year, move back into the I.H.O.S. (goes to show you cant leave the I.H.O.S., the I.H.O.S. leaves you) -Puts discovered the fallacy in the movie "SUPERSIZE ME" (you can live a healthy life by eating fast food everyday) - Rami was the only normal person living there. god bless him(Somethings never change) - For some odd reason all the roommates loved to break into Rami's room to use something. (Hasan actually managed to break in thru the window just to watch porn on Rami's computer) THESE ARE JUST A FEW MEMORIES WE CAME UP WITH. LEAVE A COMMENT OF YOUR FAVORITE I.H.O.S. MEMORY

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Tim Chan


Anything that would make the girls dance on the pool table

Usher - Yeah
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24 marathon, Espn, Playmakers, and JD's gay ass would watch Sex in the City


Just the playboy magazines and the SJSU course schedule that everyone neglected to look at


Tim Chan for renting this place to us, and "Bladder" for forgiving us for putting him to sleep God rest his soul:Bladder (2000-2002) R.I.P.We also can't forget the loveableSchlong Snake (2001-2002) R.I.P.They might be gone but not forgotten