Graveyard Bliss profile picture

Graveyard Bliss

When I Sin, I Sin Real Good...

About Me

I am a bit of a hermit, I often have to have an internal argument with myself just to open my front door and step outside.I have an unhealthy obsession with Glenn Danzig and Jason Voorhees that Joey has come to accept.~I LOATH: Hang overs, Washington State, Ant Bites, Brake Lights, Head Aches, Cleaning out the cat litter box, Waking up early, Bein' Hungry, Army Life, Sweating, Losing Sleep, The wrath of nausea that pregnancy brings, Having to go to a job I hate, The Sun, Hot weather(outside summer activities), bein' a creature in my parents basement, Fake Ass Lesbians that try to sleep with my husband (Stephanie) -.- .Most People, gay profile songs, Unfair Judgment, My low sex drive, Going without my meds, Bein' lied to by someone I love, my horrible memory, my laziness, watchin' any kind of sport except UFC & Hockey, Americanized Chinese/Japanese microwavable dinners (it's just as bad as the American version of DBZ).~I <3: My Joey, Gettin' Kinky w/ Joey, My Cats, My Boxer Alucard, Sleep, Stickies!!!!, Glenn Danzig!!!...makes me melt.., Jason Voorhees <3, My Music, Photography, Effexor XR, EBAY, My Hair Scissors, Milk Shakes, Victoria's Secret, Air Conditioning, Jolly Ranchers, Buttery Nipples(calm down it's a drink), Washington Apples, Maintaining the buzz, Whips, Bondage, Latex, Cheese Cake Porn!, Dominatrix, Dominatrix art, Verotik Comics, Zombies, Classic Horror Movies, Looking at Dave Navarro & Carmen Electra, Collecting kool Horror shit, Glenn Danzig, Sexy Guitarist, Horror Comics, Corsets, Walking into a store and seeing cute underwear I don't have...... then buying them, Weed(if it didn't make me so lazy), NJDevils, Chinese Food, Precious Moments, Hello Kitty, Pucca, Comix, Anime, Blood and GORE.......errr
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

my Husband, My Cats(Mr. Grave(Gravey)a.k.a. Swamp Crotch, Takashi (Taki),Mori Motto, Blue & Bella Lagosi)(Mischief & Halloween R.I.P.) My Boxer Alucard, Sleep! (I'm sure I have some sort of medical condition to be able to sleep for entire weekends), Special Effects Make-up, Japanese Culture, anything Kawaii, Forensic Science, my collections (horror comics, horror movie autographs, death certificates, vintage corsets,& geisha dolls), Bondage, Whips, Latex Clothing, Dominatrix/Bondage Art, Fetish Modeling, Dave Navarro, Japanese Horror movies, Astrology(I'm your typical female Pisces), Serial Killers, Photography(aspiring Fetish Model), My Friends, Oh! Yeah! EbAy!!!, Scrap booking, Shopping, Sewing, The history of Geisha's. Oh! Yeah! and my favorite M.M.O., 2Moons!! I have a 100+ segnale (GraveyardBliss).

I'd like to meet:

Glenn Danzig (even though I would be completely speechless and act like one of those crazed Beatles fans), any of the Verotik artist, Takashi Miike, Fetish Photographers, NERGAL!, Scott Ian, Phil from Pantera, Dave Navarro, Carmen Electra.


I'm pretty much only into Horror Punk, and Metal, but here's a few bands that inspire me to wake up everyday:Misfits, Danzig, FUCKING Slayer!, Black Flag(first four years), T.S.O.L., Cannibal Corpse, Through the Eyes of the Dead(with Anthony), Behemoth(NERGAL!! <3 <3), Vader, Nouvelle Vague, Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth(videos), Pantera, Malevolent Creation, My Dying Bride, NOFX, Op. Ivy, GWAR (GWAR slave #1396), X-Cops, S.O.D., Anthrax, Snake River Conspiracy, Rehab, Necros, Johnny Cash, Balzac, Deftones, At the Drive In, Iron Maiden, The Damned, 45 Grave, Arch Enemy, Nevermore, Distillers, Type O Negative, The Cure, Theater of Tragidy, Murder City Devils, Sonic Youth, The Eel's, Iggy Pop, Love & Rockets, The Spookshow, (old) Sepultura, (Early) Metallica, Alien Sex Fiend, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, M.M., Tool, Radio Head, Sublime, Lords of Acid, Peaches, Benny Benassi, Weezer, Ludacris, Missy Elliot, OutKast, Lauren Hill, T.A.T.U.


I never go to the movies unless its a good horror or Asian movie. I love Japanese horror movies, some of my favorite movies are Pulp Fiction, Hero, Kill Billz, ZOMBIE STRIPPERS!!!!!, Shaun of the Dead, 300, Memoirs of a Geisha, SPUN, Freeway, Full Metal Jacket, Friday the 13th Collection, Halloween Collection, Dead Alive, Machine Girl, Masters of Terror, Planet Terror/Death Proof, Wanted, Smokin' Aces, Ninja Scroll, Night of the Living Dead, Return of the Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Black Snake Moan, The Crow, I am Legend, Walk the Line, SLC Punk, Napoleon Dynamite, Office Space, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Sideways, Suicide Club, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, 2LDK, Old Boy, Ichi The Killer, GOJO, Fight Club, Pet Cemetery, Perfect Blue, American Beauty, Vampire Hunter D, Toxic Avenger's, The Returner, And Classic Horror Movies are always good! Any thing with blood and gore......err!


True Blood, Dexter, Rescue Me, The Price is right! Million Dollar Spectacular!( I LOVE that show it makes me so excitied! :P), Avatar: The Last Air Bender <3, 1,000 Ways To Die, the First 48, Crime 360, Twilight Zone, Tales From the Dark Side, MURDER, Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, I Detective, Family Guy, Futurama, Full Metal Alchemist, FLCL, Sex in the City, UFC, The L Word, Extreme Makeover, LA Ink, London Ink, True Life, Dr. 90210, Scrubs, The Girls Next Door, King of the Hill, Adult Swim, The Simpson's, Comedy Central, Anything about Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery or Forensic Science


The Art & Science of Embalming: Preserving the Dead, The Zombie Survival Guide, Japanese Tattoo reference books, usually anything about Forensic Science, B&W Photography, Bondage , Latex Clothing Photography, Astrology, Geisha's, Death, or Nutrition


Venus Domina, Grub Girl, Vampira, Bettie Page, Masumi Max, Squeak, People that can keep their identity and make a living doing so.

My Blog

2nd post op. appointment

Friday morning was my 2nd post op. checkup, I was hoping to hear the pathologist found something with the placenta tests, but they didn't...He told me during a normal c-section they cut open the uteru...
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 02:38:00 PST

My Heart is Broken

I just wanted to let everyone know how thankful I am for your thoughts and being here for Joey and I. I had no idea how many people cared for us all most 20 visitors in the hospital, made the stay muc...
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Fri, 04 May 2007 11:21:00 PST


I knew it!!! I'm so excited ....not just because it's a girl, but becasue the doctor said everything looked really good! It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen finally getting to see her after ...
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:10:00 PST

Through the Eyes of the Dead & Napalm Death Show Pictures!!

Here's a few pics. from the Through the Eyes of the Dead & Napalm Death Show, I used a camera phone so don't expect much..Anothony from TTEOTD Smoking..Anothony posing for me....didn't turn out :(...
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:33:00 PST

GWAR show Pictures!!!!

Finally after years of wanting to see one of my fav. bands last night I finally got that chance, and over all it exceeded my expectations. Mostly from people telling me that their shows arn't nearly a...
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST

Halloween "Alice in Wonderland" Party Pictures!

The Madd Hatter & Alice(the host & hostess)Terry Bogard & MaliceThe CatapillarMolly Ridin' the CatapillarMadd Hatter RoomMadd Hatter Room....with fogMalice on AliceMore Malice on Alice.......
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:05:00 PST

Gay Pride 2006 Party Pictures!!!

Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 10:53:00 PST

Published Photo!

 I entered this animal photo contest a couple months ago, and had forgotten. Then yesterday I got this letter in the mail saying the photo I entered was chosen to be published as apart of the ani...
Posted by Graveyard Bliss on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:08:00 PST