Play B-ball and soccer but am good in all kinda sports, make beats and ryhme to it, during my free time, I hang out with da boyz in da hood, know as the D-squad, am in NG-money group we just two, Naturedogg which is me and Dr.G my homie, I party and rap in those parties, never being to da movies ever in my life, study when i have to, free style all da time, Girls come a dime a dozen, you should see the pretty bitches that be sexin' me. I dance lyk crazy. i don't do drugz am clean. my MSn is [email protected]
Aad yeah I got accepted at CCUNY, 4 those of u that don't what CCUNY meanz, Let me break it down 4 ya, CCUNY = City College of New York.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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