Beth Sepko Casting/ Third Coast Extras profile picture

Beth Sepko Casting/ Third Coast Extras


About Me

CURRENT PROJECTS Right now we are not casting any extras. Please keep checking this page for updates.TXMPA So I just want to say how important it is to join TXMPA. It can be expensive to some and if that's the case then maybe get a group to share the cost. We want more films to come to Austin, this is the way to do it. We lost "Whip It" to Michigan because of incentives. The more people join TXMPA, hopefully, the more tax incentives we can fight for. Please visit there myspace page for more info: . At very minimum please become "friends".COFFEE CASTING TALK With Casting Director Beth Sepko
Need feedback on a demo reel or on your resume or maybe your headshots? What about a recent audition? Maybe you simply have questions about “the biz”?
Beth says: “After speaking on several panels for Reel Women or The Network Mixer it seems actors either prefer not to speak up in front of the large audience or their questions require more personalized attention. After every meeting there is a line of actors asking if they can have ‘just 5 minutes of my time’. I just don’t have that much spare time! So, I’ve decided why don’t we get together in a small, more intimate group & have a relaxed conversation over coffee? I would jump at the opportunity to take one of my mentors to coffee & bend their ear.”
So, here is YOUR opportunity! We are scheduling a few sessions where Beth will sit down with a group of no more than 20 actors for a more intimate Q&A.
The cost is just $20 to cover our expenses and time. We will bring the Coffee & Danish, Cookies, etc. Paid reservations must be made in advance. Group will be limited to 16 people & will meet for 2 1/2 hours!
To find out about available sessions, location, & reserve your spot email Jessica @ or call her @ 472-5385 ext. 1 or just talk to her at the front desk before you leave your audition today.Quick Note about FNL Friday Night Lights' myspace page mentions that you should talk to us about principle roles. We go through agents for principle roles. Beth give submissions out to over 27 agencies in and around Austin. We DO NOT book the EXTRAS on FNL. MAKING THE COMMITMENT When you are considered "booked" for a project we expect you to recognize that this is a job. We hope it's a fun experience, but we expect nothing but the utmost professionalism. BE ON TIME We expect you to be there on time. If you are running late, we expect a phone call letting us know how far away you are. There are many reasons why there is a certain time we say to be on set. Please DO NOT be late. CANCELING If for some reason you are unable to fulfill the commitment, then we expect at least a 12 hour notice so we can replace you with someone else. We understand life happens (emergencies, illnesses, etc.), but if you do not let us know ahead of time, then we will not be able to consider you for another position on a later date. ON SET BEHAVIOR It is essential that you listen to the PA's, AD's and everyone on set. They ask you to do things for a reason that may be unknown to you at that time. Recently, we've overheard people arguing with the PA's and we will not stand for that. On set they are your boss, so please give them that respect.
We really want this experience to be fun for all. Please look at the extras etiquette for further expectations and to answer any questions. We want to build a lasting relationship and want to give the opportunity to each and every one of you to be an extra on ALL projects. VOUCHER INSTRUCTIONS- HOW DO I GET PAID? WHO DO I CALL WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT MY CHECK? Call the payroll company with questions about your check. You will be filling out vouchers each day in order to get paid so please bring with you two valid forms of ID- Driver's License and Social Security Card or Passport and a PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR CURRENT DRIVER'S LICENSE OR TEXAS ID . Payment is mailed to the address you write on your voucher ( so please write clearly) usually within about 14 days of the END of our workweek which ends each Saturday. The phone number to the payroll company is on the voucher should you have an inquiry about your paycheck. PLEASE KEEP YOUR VOUCHER COPIES
People interested in being extras should be prepared to work a 12 hour shift on each date. ( Exact start TIME TBD). We are not given the time to report until the end of each day, therefore we can not confirm the time to report for the following day until we receive it. People should not schedule themselves to work as extras on any project on dates that they have other commitments. Since you won't receive the start time until the night before then you must make sure you are free and clear on any date you schedule yourself to work with us.

Pay is $75/11 and lunch is provided.
To be considered for extras work on these dates please call the casting office at 512-472-5385 x 1 and tell them you are calling regarding the PAID BANDSLAM WORK from the Myspace page.
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



If interested in being considered for extra work, please fill out our registration form, attach a current photo and mail it to our office. Please also make sure your phone numbers (home, mobile, and work - if appropriate for you to receive calls there) are included on the resume even if a talent agent is already listed.

Please download and fill out our Talent Registration Form, attach your photograph, and mail it to our office:


Beth Sepko Casting & 3rd Coast Extras 501 N. IH-35 Austin, TX 78702
FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PHOTOS. NO EXCEPTIONS! We need the hard copies on file and prefer not to receive electronic submissions.


If you are already on file with us it is imperative that we have current contact information so that we may phone you. We would highly recommend coming by the open call to make sure we have correct, up-to-date information and photographs of you.

For all casting consideration:

There is NEVER a fee to be registered or on file with our company. There is also NEVER a fee collected from the talent or extras for any booking. We are compensated by the production companies who hire us. Which means we only book talent for projects we are casting.
We are NOT a talent agency. We are not actively promoting talent to different production companies. We do not look for work for anyone. We book whomever we choose based on the casting requirements of each specific project. Also, when booked for work, the talent and/or extras become employees of that production company (just like us) and are paid through that company's payroll service. We do not act as employers.

We will be updating this website frequently. Please check in to see updates. We are looking forward to working with you and seeing all your friendly faces!

CONTACT INFORMATION For more information please call (512) 472-5385 x 1 or email us at Monday through Friday 10am-7pm or visit the website at


Extra Etiquette

Checking in on the Set

Now that you've made it to the holding area at precisely your call time, make sure you have checked in with the casting representative, A.D., or P.A. in charge of the extras.

You will need to get a pay voucher from them and fill it out completely. Proper ID is required to fill out the I-9 form so please have your legal identification ready to show (see the payroll section below for list of acceptable ID).

In order for anyone in the film industry to receive TEXAS INCENTIVES, we must have a copy of your Texas driver's license or Texas ID the first day of working. This helps everyone in the industry so please don't forget it.

You will be responsible for keeping the voucher until time to turn it in at the end of the day. If the wardrobe department lends you clothing to wear in the scene, they may hold your voucher “ransom” for the day. You must remember to get your voucher from them when you turn in your wardrobe.
Hurry Up and Wait ... And Wait ...

Now you are ready to roll. You are just waiting on us. Please remain in the holding area until called to the set. At various times throughout the day the AD's will call for extras to be placed in the scene. They will choose different people for different reasons. If you are not selected right away, please be patient and your turn will come.

Restroom Breaks & Lunch Time

There is usually a separate restroom area for the extras as the honeywagon has a limited capacity and must be reserved for crew. If an announcement has not been made about the location of the extras restroom area, please ask the P.A.’s.

When the lunch break is announced, if there is not a separate service line for the extras, all extras must wait for the crew to go through the lunch line first. Lunch is only a 30 minute break and the crew will be needed back on the set before the extras. The break time actually begins as the last crew member goes through the line so a PA will usually hold the extras back for the few minutes it takes get the crew through the line. Once given the OK, if a straggling crew person comes up to the line, please invite them to step in front of you. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Check-out & PayrollAt the end of the day or when you have been released from work, you must check out with a P.A. to have your voucher approved in order to be paid. Make sure you also receive your copy of the approved voucher for your records.

Pay checks do not come through the casting office. Every production utilizes a payroll service. The pay vouchers are provided by the payroll company and their phone number is printed on the voucher should you have any questions about your pay.

Checks are usually mailed to you in about two weeks. If you have an agent who requires that checks be sent to them. It is up to you to put your agents address on your voucher.



The next order of business is to get you dressed for the scene. Unless we are providing special costuming for you or you were fitted ahead of time, everyone should have brought at least three different outfits from home. You will need to show all of these choices to the wardrobe supervisor or costumer for the extras. Do not bring clothing with visible logos or brand names or sports teams or cartoons, etc. We cannot endorse products or do unauthorized advertising.

The director will usually have a color preference for all of the actor's clothing so there may be specific colors it will be necessary to avoid. If you have not been warned ahead of time the usual colors to avoid are solid white, solid black, and solid red as well as bright neon colors, bold prints, and busy patterns. Black pants or skirts can be OK as long as you wear a different colored shirt or blouse. BIG TIP: Soft-soled shoes are a favorite with the sound department.

When choosing outfits to bring, keep in mind that you may be asked to look like a completely different person in another scene. Glasses and hats and changing your hairstyle are effective ways to change your look.

Once you are dressed and have received final approval from the wardrobe department, your outfit must remain as it has been approved. It is most important when you are on the set. Do not rearrange your wardrobe for personal comfort after a scene "master" has been shot. That hat or coat (buttoned or unbuttoned) may well be in continuity.

Hair & Make-up

Everyone should have come with hair and make-up (ladies only, of course) already done, but the hair and make-up departments will need to approve your look. They will want to see you after you are dressed in your approved wardrobe.


Helpful Terminology

CALL TIME - This is the time you are to report for work. You should be in the holding area at this time for check-in.

HOLDING AREA - This is where the extras report for work. Anytime you are not actually working on the set, you must be in the holding area. Please do not make it necessary for the AD's to go looking for you when they might need you. You could miss your opportunity in front of the camera.

BASE CAMP - This is where the cast and crew report for work. Basecamp is easily recognized by the massive trucks and trailers and equipment moving about. Please stay clear of this area.

THE SET or LOCATION - This is where that actual filming will be taking place.

BACKGROUND or EXTRAS or ATMOSPHERE - This is you! A background performer or extra does not speak lines alone. Extras can make crowd noises or be singing in a group, but cannot be scripted.

PANTOMIME or MIME - To act with only facial and bodily movements.

FEATURED EXTRA or SPECIAL EXTRA or SILENT BIT - May be used to describe an extra in a scene who is very recognizable on camera as a character or someone who is interacting directly with a primary actor, but still does not speak.

"QUIET!" - Means quiet. Whenever you are on the set there should be no talking. If you must talk to a production assistant or assistant director, please whisper and only if it is absolutely necessary.

"PICTURE'S UP!" or "STAND BY!" - Means everyone - even crew - must be absolutely quiet, we are about to roll.

"ROLLING!" - Means film is rolling; we are shooting.

"ACTION!" - This cue is usually for the primary actors or "stars" to begin the scene.

"BACKGROUND ACTION!" or sometimes, simplified to "BACKGROUND!" - This is the cue for the extras. Most of the time it will be called immediately before the actors get their "action" cue.

"CUT!" - We have stopped shooting. Wait where you are; where you ended the scene for further instructions.

"BACK TO ONE" or "FIRST POSITION" - The AD is now asking everyone to return to the point where they began the scene; their first position. We will be doing another take. Remember you should do exactly the same thing for each take unless an AD asks you specifically to change something.

"NEW DEAL" - We are ready to move on to another scene or set up. Wait for instructions. You will most likely be directed back to the holding area, but it could be that you need to change your wardrobe for another scene.

1st ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (AD) - The person running the set; keeping the crew, the actors, and the director on schedule. The 1st AD works closest to the director.

2nd ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (AD) - The person to set up the background in the scene and direct the extras. The 2nd AD also assists the 1st in scheduling, etc.

2nd 2nd ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (AD) –This person may also set background. The 2nd 2nd assists both the 1st and 2nd AD’s.
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT (PA) - The go-fers on the set. They work for the AD's.
