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I am here for Friends

About Me

The most important thing I can tell you is that I'm a Christian! Jesus Christ is my risen Lord and Savior, the atoning sacrifice for my sins. A lot of my friends on myspace knew me when I lived in Tennessee: I'm not that person anymore; he died on Febuary 5th 2006 when I got baptized and put to death the old Daniel .
Nuff said! Right now I'm living in Anchorage, AK and I gotta say that it is great! I know what you're thinking! I thought it was a barren wasteland of ice and rocks too, but it's not! I promise. If you don't believe me come and visit during June or July! You'll be very pleasantly surprised. I'm happily married to my best friend, Connie. She's the LOML...ILuhYoo!
Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm in the Air Force? That's really not so important. It just pays the bills, feeds me, provides me with a place to live, and affords me interesting travel opportunities.
If you want to know anything else then send me a message and ask!

My Interests

I love studying the Bible, praying, singing, fellowship, driving through puddles, left over spaghetti for breakfast, the smell of vanilla air freshners or fresh laundry, hiking, eating a lot (especially barbque), deep theological discussions that make my head hurt, sushi with soy sauce and wasabi, staying in my warm bed way too long, my bean bag, the innocent care free attitude of children, sunsets, the crunching sound of ice when the ice underneath it melts and you step on it (the best crunch in the world!!!), and how cute and goofy my family is. But what's even better is seeing God in all these things. If everything good comes from God then that means his fingerprint is on all of that. So next time you're drinking hot cocoa or coffee (or whatever you drink) take a nice smell of it and thank God for the ability to smell or taste! Isn't that something?

C28 Christian T Shirts

I'd like to meet:

Yeshua Hamashiach!


David Crowder* Band (new album comes out soon!!), Sanctus Real, Thousand Foot Crutch, Brandon Heath, mercyme, Monday Morning, Switchfoot, Shawn McDonald, Audio Adrenaline, Jack Johnson, Dashboard Confessional, Linkin Park, geeze I have probably 400 cds...so take a guess and I probably like them!


Hmm...well I make movies for the airforce...but mine aren't that interesting. I like locking all the doors, closing all the shades, and watching movies about the end of the world. Weird huh? I love the Spiderman movies and at one point knew half the lines. Half the time, enjoying a movie is all about who you watch it with.


eh...too busy!


I read the Bible daily. The Gospel of John is my favorite gospel. Romans has awesome stuff on grace. First John will convince you to start walking your talk. James challenges you once you've become a Christian. Some other good books include A Case For Christ by Lee Strobel; Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell; The Irresistable Revolution by Shane Claiborne will make you feel guilty...in a good way; I just finished Wild AT Heart by Eldridge--it's awesome, every man should read it to better understand themselves and every woman should read it to better understand her man; Joshua Harris and Jeramy Clark have some great stuff on purity; Javan writes wonderful poetry; I love Sci-Fi: David Gerrald is great! For good fantasy look into Tad Williams' Otherland series. Geeze, I've read too many books to keep track of who's who...


No heroes...but I do have a Savior...

My Blog

Communion Message

This is the Communion Message I gave a week ago at the campus-lead church service: Good morning church, my name is Daniel Delgado and I'm going to give a communion message.  Today is a campus-led...
Posted by daniel on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:49:00 PST


Does it ever feel like no matter what, you can't see the face of Jesus?  It's like there's a physical wall around you that's blocking your vision?  Or maybe others around you are dragging yo...
Posted by daniel on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:48:00 PST

The Way

             In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  Then came light, water, earth, plants, sky, stars.  After all thi...
Posted by daniel on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 05:05:00 PST

Faith and "Planning"

As a Christian, I know that God has big plans for me.  I know that my life has a calling.  Second Peter 1:4 invites us to participate in [God's] divine nature.  When we become Christian...
Posted by daniel on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:58:00 PST

Seek ye first...

One of the things that I love about God is when He tells us to do something, He does it Himself too.  God sets the example.  He tells us to love Him because He loved us first.  It's not...
Posted by daniel on Thu, 04 May 2006 10:30:00 PST

My Death.

In early June, I arrived in Alaska.  I wasnt sure what to expect and Id never felt more alone.  I had just gone through the worst heart break of my entire life, and I was struggling with a l...
Posted by daniel on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 02:40:00 PST


Last Saturday I went to Seward.  It was about a three hour drive but it was worth it.  We (Red, Rob, and myself) wanted to check out the Polar Dive.  People jumping into below free...
Posted by daniel on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:21:00 PST

New experiences...

Wow, last Tue. and Wed. I "learned" how to snowboard.  I learned tons of interesting way to wipe out and I earned plenty of chuckles from Jennifer.  But by the time I was finishing I think I...
Posted by daniel on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 09:51:00 PST