Street Squad originally formed in 2004; by founding member Quinton(Young Legend), who teamed up with long time school friend Trae(Profit). Starting out, the two battled various emcees in the neighborhood and freestyled in cyphers to gain respect as well as enhance their lyrical capability. Working as a duo, Legend and Profit continued to write songs and battle; they were later introduced to Hollis(HP). HP at the time was in a rap group called "Unknown", noticing HP's brash delivery and gritty wordplay they performed several collaborations. After Unknown split, HP was recruited by Legend and Profit. Now a trio, Street Squad attempts to prove that they have what it takes to take there career to the next level. Priding themselves for using a combination of punchlines, witty flows, melodic hooks, and realism. Hailing from Greensboro and High Point North Carolina, Street Squad is a new breed of "Southern Rappers" ready to put North Kack on the map and rep there cities to the fullest...I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!