ill always live for the nights
i cant remember
and the friends
ill never forget
bR ♥
let's run away together.
this girl means the world to me and more. she has always been there for me no matter what
the situation or the problem. this girl i can have a laugh with and i know she will
understand everything i say to her, ive known her 6 wonderful years and im so proud
to call her my best friend. she is the strongest girl you'll ever meet and we're basically
this boy is one of the few boys i can talk to whenever i need to he will always have
an answer to my problem and theres never a dull moment when hes around he is my little
babe and i wouldnt change him if my life depended on it, i know he will always sick up
for me.
this boy comes to mine randomly to spend the evening making my house a funny place.
he has a weird obsession with my mum :P he always makes me smile i can actually tell him
everything and anything. whenever he sees me he gets excited and he likes to shout ROY
and it makes me laugh millions, hes my baby brother :)
well what do i need to say to sum this boy up its hard because he is the most perfect
boy in the world. he is so sweet and he never ever fails to make me smile and he listens
to me blabber on about shit on our way home from town, he always walks me home from town
even if hes not going home. he is adorable and he is my little boy.
this girl is one heck of a girl, she is one of the people i can having a full on bitching
session with and we end up laughing at the end and telling eachother i love you. i can
tell this girl basically everything. whenever i go out with her we have such a laugh
and theres never a dull moment, she always listens to me.
ive known this girl 6 years and we've had our moments but she is a wicked girl, she always
cheers me up no matter whats the problem, she is one of the only people who can read me
like a book, she knows when im upset and she knows when im in one of my moods. she is my
brain, im not all there, and she always explain things to me :) HA. i love it and her.
i havent known him long but the time ive known him we've
had some moments. we have our little obsession with two pints of larger and a packet of
crisps, hes johnny, johnny the sex donkey and im janet of high c's. when im upset
he will ring me or come on msn and make me smile and take everything off my mind
i dont get to see him often but when i do we have a wicked time. i do miss him a lot.
now this girl right here is everything to me. she is one of those people you just got to love. i can tell her everything i mean EVERYTHING and i know she will understand and she wont judge me at all. i love going clubbing and getting so drunk we stumble back to mine eating chips struggling to walk in our heals and then pass out in my bed. i love the days we sit at mine all day just talking and having laughs. this girl means the world to me and more.
the most randomest girl you will ever meet. she will never ever make a dull moment in
your life she always makes me laugh so hard i cry and she likes to walk places with me.
and she likes me plaiting her hair. she is so beautiful and she always have an answer
for problems, i couldnt be without this girl. she looks like fergie although she denys it
she knows its true :).
i havent know this girl long at all, 4 or 5 months maybe, but we have become so close so
quickly i can actually talk to this girl about anything and i know she will make all my
problems so much better, all i need to say is 'thats fucking team work' or 'BUH' and she'll laugh
we have so many private jokes, and we are so similar its scary. im so glad i met this girl
she really is amazing and she is fucking beautiful.
my baby girl. she is just so fucking amazing, shes one of the people who gets so excited
to see me, im her mummy in town and i ground her when she smokes weed ;) HA she is my
star and she always says something to make me smile, i dont see her much either but when
i do we have such a wicked time :)
he is my gay boyfriend he makes me smile and laugh whenever hes around. whenever i need
to have a natter and a bitch he will be there no matter what he is a legend and i would
do anything for him.
this girl is amazing. she is always there to listen and i can actually trust her with my life i love our convos about everything and anything and all the laughs we have are just fab. she is MY little laura lu :)
if your not here it doesnt mean i dont love you its just ive simply forgot just tell me
and ill stick you on there.
-my mum♥-
my mum is my biggest hero, she is the most perfect mum ever,
she has always managed to say the right things to me and make me feel so much better,
shes always understood the stupid stuff ive done and said.
i wouldnt swap her for the world and i would do anything to make her happy,
if it wasnt for my mum last summer wouldnt have been so good, i love nights infront of the tv with her watching music or rubbish
tv, we have had our ups and
downs, but dont most kids with their mums, but i can honestly say be
jealous cause shes my mum not yours. GUTTED. and i love the cute text messages
she sends me when im upset in my room and no matter how much ive cried the text
will make me smile millions, i love it when people say i look like my mum because
she is gorgeous and she knows it :). theres nothing in this world i love more than my mum.
i couldnt imagine my life with out my mum.
and shes a right grebo and she loves it :)