I can't think of anything witty and creative yet.
Carbohydrates give me the hiccups.
I hate it when people who have hearts of gold, don't do any wrong, live their lifes properly and don't shit it all away, respect their friends are just genuinly amazing people get hurt, it really upsets me.
All i have to say is fuck the people who hurt you, bitch about you, and promise you the world and can't keep their fucking promises'. I hate people like that. i really can't be fucked anymore.
I love Amie Johnson, Luke Mobey, Amy Louise, Sam Mikky, Charlie Smith, Naomi Brabury, Emji, My favourite oxford girls, Alice and India, and Emma Bamford-(I know we don't talk as much as i would love to but you're genuine)
You lot are the only people i know that are true.