Eli Young Band, Stoney Larue, Reckless Kelly, Aaron Watson, Cory Morrow, Wade Bowen, Jason Boland, Brandon Rhyder
♥Working out
♥Live music
♥Making drinks
♥Meeting new people
♥Sleeping...if there's time between drinking.
WEDNESDAY: ZODIAC College Night - No cover for ladies 21+ & 50 cent wells till 11 $2 wells, $2.50 domestics, $2.50 calls, $3.50 premiums all nightTHURSDAY: Texas Music Thursday - Live music, $2.50 Lone Star, $4 Red Bull Blasters, $8 64oz FishbowlsFRIDAY: Girls Night Out - No Cover for ladies, Free Pool, & $1 & Domestics & Wells till 10 $500 Balloon Drop at Midnight! $2.50 wells, wine, & domestics all nightSATURDAY: Stampede - No cover till 9pm $1.50 wells, wine, & domestics till 10pm
APR 10th: Hayes Carll (with The Dedringers) APR 17th: Casey Donahew and Southfirst Band (with Scott Wiggins Band) APR: 24th: Roger Creager (with Bart Crow Band) MAY 1st: Jason Boland and Aaron Watson MAY 8th: Johnny Cooper (with Rich O'Toole) MAY 15th: Micky & The Motorcars and Kyle Bennett Band (with Ben Austin Smith) MAY 22nd: Mark McKinney (with Gary Kyle and Miles From Nowhere) MAY 29th: Cory Morrow (with Jeremy McComb) JUNE 5th: Brandon Rhyder (with Bart Crow Band) JUNE 19th: Bart Crow Band (with No Justice)
Rockin Rodeo www.RockinRodeoDenton.comR Bar www.RBarDenton.com