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My soul rejoices...HE LIVES!!

About Me

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I am a Christian artist working on a CD called Simple TruthsIt is amazing what God does in your life.I have played and sung in bands as long as I can remember but this time I am giving instead of performing.Once the cd is complete I would like to join with some fellow followers of Christ, and promote it. I am not sure what God has in mind for the finished product's purpose, but if I do sell any copies I would like to use any money to help other people and spread the Good News!I'm hoping that the cd (Simple Truths) will inspire, bless, and move people.I write the music and lyrics to try and tell "simple truths". Truth from the scriptures, truth from real life, and the Living Truth Our Lord Jesus. How the music comes out, is because I'm on fire, and excited...I love praising The Lord, and Worshipping Him through music and words. If one person hears The Truth through the Lyrics and music, or can relate to the message or real life story...I am so, blessed.JESUS LIVES!.............. A celebration telling the truth of life, the Resurrection, The beginning of the amazing journey we all take if we ask the Lord Jesus into our hearts He is with us til the end of the age!RESURRECTION ON G STREET (Granville Street in Vancouver),........ came to me after I came out of a concert by my nephew's band The Heck, and was walking down Granville with my Son... A man was standing there hunched over a shopping cart filled with his only possessions I stopped briefly and dug into my pockets for some money....he looked up at me and opened a can he was holding which was half full of pennies. He said that he would trade me all his pennies for a bill (which would be lighter and easier for him to carry and use) I gave him a bill and said please keep the money you have, looked closely at him and said God Bless You. As he raised his eyes to meet mine I was taken aback by how clear they were, and in that moment it seemed that through a genuine smile he gave me it seems that the chiseled lines on his face seemed to disappear and the years of hardship seemed to just vanish just for a second. He said God Bless You Sir.... and Iwas touched by his sincerity. I was reminded about how I felt when I was saved by the Glory of the Lord in The Holy Spirit....and how my life was forever changed in a split second. I desperately wanted this man to experience and have what I have....the love and Grace of Jesus.I want all of you to have that and to know that even if life seems hopeless, it isn't.....The Lord is waiting for you just to ask Him into your heart...Jesus Lives!................GOD IS GREAT............... "It's still a mystery to me, how He designed all this to be! Perfection in simplicity!"Every day I thank our Lord for what I have, and I marvel at the incredible visions of beauty he has created to be enjoyed and valued by his children.The song is sooooo simple but it expresses a simple truth, and that is ....God is Great and He is Good...just look around. What we take for granted, and what appears to be simple is far more complex than our thinking can comprehend... yet through simplicity, we get to experience all of his creation with joy, reverence and awe. Come to worship on your knees.. in awe of Him.Simple song of praise....simple truth.I hope this song blesses your heart and that you sing the simple chorus where ever you can His Glory.MIRACLES.............Every day our Lord does something in my life that shows me that He is real, and the Living God..the living WATER OF LIFE. The next time you walk down your street, gaze into your child's eyes, look up at the evening sky...try counting the stars, watch someone you love recover from an illness, watch a spider weaving it's all things there are miracles, we just have to take a moment and reflect. Look at what God has given us..His ONLY SON.......Miracles!!!!!I wrote this simple song to express the my appreciation and gratitude to Him for all Miracles small or large...including my wonderful sons Jonathan and Curtis. Jon plays the guitar solo in this song.. wish I could move my fingers like that!...Thank you Jon!!! I had some real fun near the end choruses putting in some low bass singing. Gosh I am so Blessed!!! Thank you for listening.It is interesting watching people in worship, and I love seeing the total abandonment to the worship of our Lord. There is an interactive video showing the different styles haha...I especially enjoy the fountain and paint the sky ha ha. Some people are a little self concious about letting go, but for those of you who are timid just let me say are singing and raising or clapping your hands to only one person...the King of Kings....not your brother or sister next to you, behind you or in front of bust out and make a joyful noise to Him!!! In Church after a particularily Spirit filled service , a beautiful elderly lady who had been a conservative worshipper all her life said to me.."Ian, I was so inspired today, I almost moved" ha ha ha ..God Bless you Mary! "I WILL MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO YOU!" BEFORE YOU is a song that I wrote about 4 years ago and i decided to put it up because I was going through some older mixes, and played it. It reminded me of how humble I feel in God's presence and that I am ready to do anything he requires. Praise Him!! Thank you Lord !!w.. -- -- -- Indieheaven Referral Banner --
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My Interests


Member Since: 10/7/2005
Band Website: not yet but working on
Band Members: Me Drums Me Guitars (except for guests) Me Vocals (except for guests) Me synth
Influences: My Lord...Jesus Christ my Redeemer!Anyone I've listened toAnyone I've played with including my Worship Team, and Colin, Jerry, Gary,My Wife Jen, Pastor Dave, Pastor Vince, My family.
Sounds Like: Christian Rock!!! An offering of love.
Record Label: If it's God's will
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


I just want you to know if you haven't already guessed...that I am really challenged when it comes to navigating and working on my page. One of the things I wanted to do was to load a player on my pag...
Posted by sonburn on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 06:55:00 PST

Jennifer (Swept Away)

Hey my friends,   You may have noticed a new song on the player. It is not a worship or praise song, but rather a song about love...between two people...a God given gift. I wrote this song for my...
Posted by sonburn on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:44:00 PST


C'mon you guys!!   Please sign my guest book it is so neat to see where every one is from!!   To God's Glory   Ian
Posted by sonburn on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:15:00 PST


Hi my friends, First I just want to say how wonderful I have friends through this medium who really care. Who care about me and my well being, who pray for me and my loved ones, who care eno...
Posted by sonburn on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 10:22:00 PST

The meaning of life

Dear friends, I can't beieve it has been so long since I have done this....where does the time go!! You may have noticed that I have on my slide show now, a picture of the Alpha course logo.I did this...
Posted by sonburn on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:48:00 PST

Look for Sharalee

Hi my friends, I am so excited cause I just finished recording a song with one of the God gifted women on our Worship team. It's really great how the song came about, but when she puts up the song I'l...
Posted by sonburn on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:33:00 PST

Just wondering...

Hi guys, today as I was driving along a thought suddenly occured to me, and I wonder if anyone has an answer for this question. When Jesus was crucified, there was a huge political agenda at the time....
Posted by sonburn on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:14:00 PST

New Songs for Our Lord

Hi again my brothers and sisters, I'm working on 3 new songs right now and on one of them my good good friend and Pastor, Dave, wrote lyrics for it so I'm anxious to put it out God...
Posted by sonburn on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 04:35:00 PST


Wow ...never done this so I am a newbie. God is so wonderful...he puts people together for a reason...His reason and His purpose. You may notice on my profile that one of my influences is Pastor Dave....
Posted by sonburn on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:52:00 PST