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Robbie Foster

Thank you

About Me

2007 MS-150 Donation Request and Story of Judy's Gaurdian Angel
I just wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who made donations to the MS-150 after the request in December 2006. We are 7 days away from the charity ride from Houston to Austin . We are very honored and excited to be able to ride for such a worthy cause.
The overall fund raising goal of the MS150 in 2007 is to raise over eleven million dollars. My personal goal is $1000. I have to raise at least $400 or they won't let me ride next year. I'm at about $250 right now.
If your not familiar with MS you'd probably be interested to know that it is the number one disabler of adults in the US and their is no cure.
wiki has more info
The easiest way to donate is online at the following link...
Robbie Foster
Here is a helpful link with more information about your donation
On another note, Judy, Sheridan and I were traveling to Corpus Christi yesterday. Judy was sitting in the back seat with Sheridan and Judy wasn't feeling well so she had her head down on the front seat. I'm driving behind a boat and I see what looks like a piece of wood bounce off the concrete and then bounce off our wind shield and shatter it on the passenger side. Glass flew everywhere inside the car and Judy wakes up. The Windshield is still intact it just looks shattered on the passenger side. I check to make sure Judy and Sheridan are alright and they were so I speed up to the truck that was right in front of us that I assumed was responsible. When I approached the left side of him I noticed he was on his cell phone so I start honking my horn to get his attention and wave him to pull over. We pull over into a smokehouse parking lot and I tell him what happened and he acted like he didn't know what I was talking about since I was asking him if any wood had flown out of his boat because he didn't have any wood. Then I showed him the windshield and I took his insurance information. So they drive off and Judy takes the baby inside the Smokehouse. I start cleaning up the glass that's all over the car and eventually I find a piece of metal behind the back seat and I realize that it wasn't a piece of wood. I also realize that this piece of metal penetrated the windshield like a stabbing knife and if Judy had been feeling better that day. She'd be dead.
check out the pictures I have posted from that day
I like sports with contact and I like games full of suspense. I like extreme sports and I like pushing to the limit.
I do have a great wife and family. I'm very blessed with good friends in my life.
Special quote: "life is worth living and if your not taking advantage of 100% of the opportunity you've been givin today then why should anyone give you more tomorrow?"

My Interests

WackoBeast on XBOX Live if you want to play let me know.
B1ack5had0w on AIM
RTFoster on google
Robbie_Foster8 on Yahoo
JTSHERIDA on MSN Messenger
Join my Stock market group. the ID is StockDoc2006




to many good ones. action/comedy you can't beat the dollar rental kiosk


I hate TV, but for some reason I still watch it. I watch shows reccomended to me like Heroes, The Office, Sopranos. Just whatever. judy's favorite show is Cops and Law and Order so we watch allot of that.


I like reading but somehow I find myself not reading very much. I guess xbox and tv are easier.


it's a good show. im not gonna lie. I watch it.

My Blog

Download the Torrentz people!!!

Download the Torrentz people!!!
Posted by Robbie Foster on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 04:53:00 PST

anybody want to go to alaska with me? i've got to go rescue my bro.

anybody want to go to alaska with me?   i've got to go rescue my bro. oh and my previous blob about TV.  forget that.  well forget TV too because these days torrentz are the way to go.&...
Posted by Robbie Foster on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:47:00 PST

no Cable? No Problem?

Being as we don't have cable, I've had to resort to the internet to get my saterday morning cartoons.  Here some funny sights I like
Posted by Robbie Foster on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 10:37:00 PST

BAD@$$ Halo2 website, worth checkin out

badass Halo2 sight if that link doesnt work try this one  check it out, it tracks everything, even when a player is most likly to be on and what games a...
Posted by Robbie Foster on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 09:47:00 PST

Do you go to church?

Do you go to church?A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him...
Posted by Robbie Foster on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 03:56:00 PST

$1,000,000 Dollars

Would anyone be interested in joing my million dollar stockcompetition?This competition goes on until the end of december, in January I willstart a new one. It's not to late to sign up for this game, ...
Posted by Robbie Foster on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 02:40:00 PST


Posted by Robbie Foster on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 03:19:00 PST


Testing Testing...Testing the Blog 123 what the hells a blog anyway?
Posted by Robbie Foster on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 02:06:00 PST